Definition of magnetosonic in English:
adjective maɡˌniːtəʊˈsɒnɪk
Physics Relating to or designating a type of magnetohydrodynamic wave that has two speeds of propagation (both functions of the magnetic field strength and of the speed of sound in the fluid), can travel in any direction relative to that of the field, and is characterized by a displacement of the fluid in any direction in the plane defined by the directions of propagation and of the field except the direction normal to the former.
1960s. From magneto- + sonic.
Definition of magnetosonic in US English:
Physics Relating to or designating a type of magnetohydrodynamic wave that has two speeds of propagation (both functions of the magnetic field strength and of the speed of sound in the fluid), can travel in any direction relative to that of the field, and is characterized by a displacement of the fluid in any direction in the plane defined by the directions of propagation and of the field except the direction normal to the former.
1960s. From magneto- + sonic.