Definition of erroneously in US English:
In a mistaken way; incorrectly.
he was erroneously reported dead
some erroneously believe the law will protect them
Example sentencesExamples
- It is far more important than popularity, which is erroneously considered a requirement for managing other people.
- Her paintings, for example, were not just created out of anguish, as the film erroneously suggests.
- A bank erroneously credited its customer's account twice with the amount of a single remittance.
- It was kind of hard to get too worked up about it when the TV news was busy erroneously reporting that the space shuttle was traveling "nearly 18 times the speed of light" when it went boom.
- One of the most unpropitious decisions a performing arts company can erroneously make is to stage a production in an ill-suited venue.
- Instead they will erroneously describe these objects as being 12.25 to 12.5 billion light years distance, when in truth they are much further away!
- California tax returns for open years should be amended to claim refunds for the taxes erroneously paid on those earnings.
- The Millennium Bug, you may remember, was first erroneously applied to the Year 2000 bug, which singularly failed to cause any particularly big problems when the year clicked over to the 1st of January 2000.
- This bestselling novel was erroneously mistaken for historical fact.
- Some projections were apparently erroneously based on that money being a grant - a misinterpretation that severely affected the co-op's financial projections.