

单词 equitable

Definition of equitable in English:


adjective ˈɛkwɪtəb(ə)lˈɛkwədəb(ə)l
  • 1Fair and impartial.

    the equitable distribution of resources
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I've always made the case that we should not get more than Irish, that would not be fair or equitable.
    • The new programme will be based on clear rules and criteria, ensuring that access is fair and equitable.
    • Many now wished to return and it was fair and equitable that they should be assisted by the state.
    • We wanted to come up with a fair, equitable and easy way to reward bloggers for their writing.
    • Secondly, I cannot imagine how it could be streamlined in a fair and equitable manner.
    • We must all be vigilant before our fair and equitable system of health provision is dismantled before our eyes.
    • He called for a fairer and more equitable funding formula to be introduced.
    • But this case must be the most flagrant disregard for what is supposed to be a fair and equitable system we have seen.
    • The basis of good governance is fair and equitable representation of all stakeholders.
    • Churchill was right to say that a fair and equitable penal system lies at the heart of a healthy civilisation.
    • There was still a long way to go towards, among other things, an equitable distribution of skills.
    • Emphasis on equitable distribution would truly alleviate the crime situation.
    • They are expected to protect all the athletes and to ensure fair and equitable competition.
    • Do we feel our present taxation system is fair and equitable?
    • If sacrifice is called for then fair and equitable treatment must be the order of the day.
    • The needs of the elderly and their carers must be addressed if we are to have a fair and equitable society.
    • To be negotiable and have legitimacy, commitments generally need to be perceived to be reasonably fair and equitable.
    • All anyone can ask for is fair and equitable treatment under the law, and that's what we are not getting.
    • Economic growth was important, but so too was the equitable distribution of wealth.
    • The differential rates system was introduced at the start of this financial year to make rates fair and equitable.
    fair, just
    impartial, even-handed, fair-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced, non-discriminatory, anti-discrimination, unbigoted, egalitarian, with no axe to grind, without fear or favour
    honest, right, rightful, proper, decent, good, honourable, upright, scrupulous, conscientious, above board
    reasonable, sensible
    disinterested, objective, neutral, uncoloured, dispassionate, non-partisan, balanced, open-minded
    informal fair and square, upfront, on the level
    North American informal on the up and up
  • 2Law
    Valid in equity as distinct from law.

    the difference between legal and equitable rights
    the beneficiaries have an equitable interest in the property
    Example sentencesExamples
    • These cases are the equitable counterpart of common law cases where the principle of res ipsa loquitur is invoked.
    • So far, we have been considering what happens if the tenant under an equitable lease assigns his interest.
    • A suit in equity was instituted between two parties resident in England to enforce an equitable lien to land situate abroad.
    • Any number of equitable interests can be carved out of the equitable ownership of a share.
    • Equitable mortgages can also arise from an agreement for value to give a legal mortgage and on the mortgage of an equitable interest.


  • equitability

  • noun
    • This was not resolved until 1984 when it was agreed to modify the budget design mechanisms so as to ensure greater equitability in the distribution of financial burdens.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Moving out of this stage requires a substantial increase in cost-effective and affordable energy sources, while minimising environmental hazards and ensuring social equitability and sustainability.
      • Expenses are allocated based on a fixed and variable basis to ensure equitability.
      • Berman's plea also assumes that the entertainment industry must forever be dominated by a small handful of conglomerates, the equitability of whose revenue distribution can charitably be described as abysmal.
      • I doubt that they believed in the equitability of fate - especially when their only son turned out to be no more than another burden in their already overburdened lives.
  • equitableness

  • noun
    • At this stage, therefore, the equitableness of the original agreement is irrelevant as the boundary line is well established and can only be altered through mutual agreement.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The extravagant and lavish use of materials to be seen in these buildings raises the very valid question of whether architecture should not be practised in a manner that will bring more equitableness.
      • In the 1850s, Cardinal Newman affirmed that ‘knowledge is capable of being its own reward’ and wrote of the attributes of mind that arise from a liberal education as freedom, equitableness, calmness, moderation and wisdom.
      • And, it may also provide some measure of equitableness in an industry crying out for clarity.


Mid 16th century: from French équitable, from équité (see equity).


Definition of equitable in US English:


  • 1Fair and impartial.

    an equitable balance of power
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The differential rates system was introduced at the start of this financial year to make rates fair and equitable.
    • The basis of good governance is fair and equitable representation of all stakeholders.
    • Secondly, I cannot imagine how it could be streamlined in a fair and equitable manner.
    • Economic growth was important, but so too was the equitable distribution of wealth.
    • But this case must be the most flagrant disregard for what is supposed to be a fair and equitable system we have seen.
    • I've always made the case that we should not get more than Irish, that would not be fair or equitable.
    • If sacrifice is called for then fair and equitable treatment must be the order of the day.
    • Emphasis on equitable distribution would truly alleviate the crime situation.
    • Many now wished to return and it was fair and equitable that they should be assisted by the state.
    • He called for a fairer and more equitable funding formula to be introduced.
    • Churchill was right to say that a fair and equitable penal system lies at the heart of a healthy civilisation.
    • To be negotiable and have legitimacy, commitments generally need to be perceived to be reasonably fair and equitable.
    • The needs of the elderly and their carers must be addressed if we are to have a fair and equitable society.
    • We wanted to come up with a fair, equitable and easy way to reward bloggers for their writing.
    • We must all be vigilant before our fair and equitable system of health provision is dismantled before our eyes.
    • All anyone can ask for is fair and equitable treatment under the law, and that's what we are not getting.
    • The new programme will be based on clear rules and criteria, ensuring that access is fair and equitable.
    • They are expected to protect all the athletes and to ensure fair and equitable competition.
    • Do we feel our present taxation system is fair and equitable?
    • There was still a long way to go towards, among other things, an equitable distribution of skills.
    fair, just
  • 2Law
    Valid in equity as distinct from law.

    the beneficiaries have an equitable interest in the property
    Example sentencesExamples
    • A suit in equity was instituted between two parties resident in England to enforce an equitable lien to land situate abroad.
    • So far, we have been considering what happens if the tenant under an equitable lease assigns his interest.
    • Any number of equitable interests can be carved out of the equitable ownership of a share.
    • Equitable mortgages can also arise from an agreement for value to give a legal mortgage and on the mortgage of an equitable interest.
    • These cases are the equitable counterpart of common law cases where the principle of res ipsa loquitur is invoked.


Mid 16th century: from French équitable, from équité (see equity).





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