

单词 God

Definition of God in English:


  • 1(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Boris goes to his death knowing that there is a God and that the universe has a meaning.
    • However, the Christian belief is that God created a man to have sex with a woman.
    • The gracious God allowed Adam and Eve to live, though he banished them from the Garden of Eden.
    • Worshipping the true God is an authentic act of resistance to all forms of idolatry.
    • Christianity is what God has done for man in seeking him and reaching down to help him.
    • For in order to save us in such a way as to satisfy himself, God through Christ substituted himself for us.
    • I suppose that he is now in a place that his Christian God feels is his just retirement.
    • It is vital that the churches know God through Christ and the gospel of grace.
    • What if the God at issue is the Trinitarian God of Christian worship and theology?
    • Nanak says God is the Creator and He Himself explains His Command to the true devotees.
    • Its difficult for us to neatly categorise Jesus, this love of God, as a Christian or a Jew.
    • The same God who sent ravens to feed his prophet had used the most unlikely person in the town to meet our need.
    • Our boldness should proclaim the mercy of God in Christ, even as it condemns evil in the world around us.
    • Even the Christian God at times would come into my dreams and makes himself known.
    • She was advised to pray to the God of the Christians, who has power over all spirits.
    • From moral relativism to denying the unique moral authority of God was a short step.
    • She asks the professor if he believes that there is a God who created the Universe and guides His creation.
    • All of us are sinful, we have all done wrong and this separates us from our creator God.
    • We have a place in the universe God has created, and we are fully subject to its processes.
    • In God's providence he had the opportunity to do something about this that July.
    the father, jehovah, the almighty, the supreme being, the deity
  • 2(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.

    a moon god
    the Hindu god Vishnu
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The kami are the gods, the deities, there are so many in Japan.
    • Hindus are truly monotheist but worship many gods and goddesses and see the same God in them.
    • Hinduism's strength has always been in its inherently pluralistic nature, its respect for other religions and its freedom to worship different gods and goddesses, or none at all.
    • Gradually, the people began to adopt polytheistic ideas, and worship spirits and many different gods.
    • In pre-Islamic Arabia, Mecca was a major city on the trade routes, a pilgrimage site, and a site of worship of numerous pre-Islamic gods and goddesses.
    • Because, at least when doing the ritual itself, you have to believe in the god or spirit you are working with.
    • The Second Isaiah's approach to the worship of Babylonian gods and religious practices is well known.
    • Some religions maintain that there is just one God and that all the gods of all religions except theirs were created by human beings.
    • Because Wiccans seem to worship nature and nature goddesses and gods, they can be called pantheists.
    • Surya is the deity upholding Rita, truth, while Dharma is the god of righteousness.
    • In Jainism, there is no worship of gods, goddesses or spirits.
    • The power surrendered by the gods to Nahusha is manipulated by him into a means for satiating his craving for Indra's wife.
    • Archangels, elemental lords, quarter powers, lesser gods, Loa, are above us but not beyond our reach, such as an older sibling or an aunt or uncle.
    • There are myths about early attempts of the gods to create human life (which failed) until the third try which was us.
    • It is directed to a pantheon of deities, gods and goddesses, each of whom are housed in their own shrine.
    • Worshippers repeat the names of their favourite gods and goddesses, and repeat mantras.
    • Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities.
    • In the Vedic discourse, the cognitive centers are called the devatas or devas - deities or gods, or luminous loci.
    • On the surface it may appear to be polytheistic with many gods and objects worshipped in various forms.
    • Christian saints are often credited with the supernatural powers attributed to the gods of native Amerindian religions.
    deity, goddess, divine being, celestial being, supreme being, divinity, immortal
    creator, demiurge
    daemon, numen
    Hinduism avatar
    1. 2.1 An image, animal, or other object worshipped as divine or symbolizing a god.
      wooden gods from the Congo
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Never the less she saw on the front of the golden band it was one of the dragon god's symbols.
      • A mountain is god, a river is god, and animals have natural and supernatural values.
      • You're likely to by killed by a pant-dampening array of ferocious animal gods.
      • Yeah but this still doesn't answer the origin of the animal gods.
      • Both had wide platforms built around them in stone and mud, with three images of entwined snake gods embedded in the mud, close to the tree trunks.
      idol, graven image, icon, golden calf, totem, talisman, fetish, mascot, juju
    2. 2.2 Used as a conventional personification of fate.
      he dialled the number and, the gods relenting, got through at once
      Example sentencesExamples
      • What an unfortunate fate the gods had condemned her to.
      • But I'm wondering - do I tempt fate and the gods of baseball by putting some voodoo magic up here?
      • I've been on the other side, and every day, I thank the gods of fate that guided me into my current situation.
      • What if that 60 minutes had been set aside by the gods of fate for your time to meet your lifelong soulmate?
      • Every now and then, my belief in the gods of fate is reaffirmed.
      • The Poznan weather gods knew the importance of the day and turned on almost flat water conditions with barely a breath of a head wind.
      • Alas, is this the fate the gods have allotted to the greatest journalist the British Empire has ever known?
      • They wondered which political leader angered the sea gods this time.
      • I inwardly thanked the gods that these people had no idea who I really was.
      • So of course, that was precisely when the gods of fate decided to throw her a curveball.
      • ‘Irony’ in its original form is the will of the fates or gods played out through the lives of mortals.
      • If this happens at every gig I am going to have to assume I have indeed angered gods of some kind.
      • It is a very funny play, a farce (thank the gods, I didn't think they were possible any more) and gives a super chance for a performance for the actress who plays Wanda.
      • The weather gods were not smiling on our hero this week, at least during his layovers at Hartsfield.
      • On a recent visit to Nick's place, I decided to tempt fate and see what the telephone gods had in store for a couple of snoops.
  • 3A greatly admired or influential person.

    he has little time for the fashion victims for whom he is a god
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the land of football gods, it is hard to be a hero.
    • Ophim strives to uphold the Indian tradition that guests are gods; this will greatly appeal to the slothful.
    • Posh and Becks have been promoted in status - from mere celebrities to gods.
    • Damn celebrities, no wonder they are gods on earth.
    • Among the show's joys are his playful imitations of the acting techniques of the likes of theatre gods Olivier and Branagh.
    • Media journalists should not be viewed as celebrities - as gods floating far above ‘ordinary’ people.
    • These guys were the cock of the walk, the gods, the rulers of all they surveyed.
    • Then there's the bad taste exemplified by the rock god/guitar hero.
    • The process may have been low-key and painfully slow, but it has seen the old Republican gods and heroes repudiated.
    • I would of course win, and embark on an exciting and glamorous career as a celebrity re-mixer and general global god of Dance music.
    1. 3.1 A thing accorded the supreme importance appropriate to a god.
      don't make money your god
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I've never made money my own god, so I'm not impressed by people who've got a lot of money.
      • Spending less time with our families because one of both parents are chasing the money god.
  • 4the godsinformal The gallery in a theatre.

    they sat in the gods
    Example sentencesExamples
    • I feel robbed at not having the chance of sitting in the gods humming along with the line quoted below.
    balcony, circle, upper circle
  • Used for emphasis or to express emotions such as surprise, anger, or distress.

    God, what did I do to deserve this?
    God, how I hate that woman!
    Good God, where have you been?
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Good god folks, if you don't want danger, don't race your bike!
    • I was thinking, good God, this was not an accident.
    • God, how unbelievably corny!
    • God, this isn't a bad game at all; this'll do me, I'll stick at it.
    • Isn't there a point where you think: God, it's going to be great to be shot of all of this?


  • God bless

    • An expression of good wishes on parting.

      good night and God bless
      Example sentencesExamples
      • From your heartbroken children Audra, Ed and Adrian, God bless.
      • Now, after he nearly got run out of the game, he's a headliner, God bless.
      • Good night, God bless, and have fun with your modems and be kind to your RAM.
      • And could I say to her and to Dennis, every good wish for the future and God bless.
      • I thought charitably that the workforce, God bless, was enthused by the festive spirit and had decided to take the week off.
  • God damn (you, him, etc.)

    • Used to express anger or annoyance with someone.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • May God damn this kind of political discourse and the contempt for the disabled that makes the Chattering Class think it's funny.
      • A mention of Amy Johnson, the first woman to fly solo to Australia in 1930, elicited from him a cry of, ‘Oh God damn the bloody woman!’
      • Not that I could understand any of it other than NO and God damn you!
      • You promised it wouldn't happen, God damn you, but it has.
      • I'm positive that we can't win against these guys, and God damn you!
  • God the Father

    • (in Christian doctrine) the first person of the Trinity, God as creator and supreme authority.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • And in the Holy Spirit, that is the Paraclete who was given to us from God the Father through the Son.
      • Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
      • Letters from you and letters from people around the country about the practical, powerful, precious effect of the truth that God the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is absolutely sovereign over all suffering and sin.
      • The Trinity concerns the source of creative newness in God the Father, the form of that creativity in Christ, with its power to overcome cruelty and loss, and its inexhaustibility in the Spirit that penetrates the shapes of human living.
      • But therefore hate they us, because we love thee: therefore persecute they us, because we acknowledge thee, God the Father, and Jesus Christ thy Son, whom thou hast sent.
      • A number of rituals in the ceremony are repeated three times and this symbolises the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
      • And no one was more pleasing to God the Father than Jesus, his Son; and yet he was the great victim.
      • The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
      • As I have previously blogged, I do regard myself as a Christian, if being a Christian means believing in God the Father, the Son, and Spirit, taking the words of the Gospel as, well, gospel, and believing in an hereafter.
      • Three in One is based on the Holy Trinity - God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • God grant

    • Used to express a wish that something should happen.

      God grant he will soon regain his freedom
      Example sentencesExamples
      • May God grant them both ease from their sufferings.
      • ‘May God grant that we be free from the peril of a tragic clash between cultures and religions,’ he said in his Easter message.
      • May God grant that I may live through all this and be again united with my Angellic wife and children.
      • To find out more about this face of evil (and may God grant him swift and full repentance) go here.
      • Seriously though, God grant healing to the flight attendants and repentance to this guy through Christ our Lord.
  • God help (you, him, etc.)

    • Used to express the belief that someone is in a difficult or dangerous situation.

      God help anyone who tried to jolly me out of my bad mood
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He's climbing the ladder straight to the top, and God help anyone unlucky enough to be in his way.
      • And God help anyone who tries to move them out of its beam.
      • They may disagree but, when the chips are down, they come together as a people and as a nation and God help anyone who threatens that.
      • The reality was as soon as a soldier went on duty, the ‘safety’ was in the off position, a bullet in the barrel and God help anyone who fired at him.
      • And God help anyone who runs out of petrol after 7pm or on a Sunday, without a credit card for the automated pump.
      • Unfortunately today's parents condone their child's bad behaviour and think it's normal, and God help anyone who disagrees.
      • Well if he thinks that emerging from North Street is difficult, God help the residents of Oakworth, Haworth and those areas if they need emergency help on a teatime rush hour.
      • Now listen closely because I will only explain it once and God help anyone who does this incorrectly.
      • If they get in then God help the workers or anyone who has bettered themselves, saved a quid and maybe even bought an investment property or two.
      • This kind of torture, and God help anyone trying to minimize it, doesn't work and is just wrong.
  • God the Son

    • (in Christian doctrine) Christ regarded as the second person of the Trinity; God as incarnate and resurrected saviour.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • There can only be one Kingdom of worth and that is the Kingdom of Heaven presided over by God the Father flanked by God the Son and the Holy Ghost.
      • All who are there will have to deal with the reality that God is a Trinity and Jesus is, in fact, God the Son.
      • In the same way Jesus is God, yet is not as great as the Father, for he is God the Son.
      • In the most profound display of mercy and grace imaginable, He stepped into our shoes as a man, God the Son.
      • His birth was nothing less than the enfleshment of God the Son, in which the divine and human natures were united in the one person.
      • Here the alignment is not between God the Father and God the Son on the one hand, and Peter and George Bailey on the other, but rather between Joseph and Clarence in heaven, and Peter and George Bailey on earth.
      • According to this view, in becoming incarnate, God the Son voluntarily and temporarily laid aside some of his divine attributes in order to take on a human nature and thus his earthly mission.
      • However, we will continue to be unlike Christ in terms of his essential glory as God the Son, a glory he shares exclusively with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
      • This Birth began the second Age of God the Son and will end with the death of Peter the Roman.
      • The second aspect of the Trinity is that of God the Son.
  • God willing

    • Used to express a wish or hope.

      one day, God willing, she and John might have a daughter
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And, God willing, their grandchildren will also be inspired and moved and become better and bigger because of what happened on that increasingly distant summer day.
      • So, God willing, I will turn 67 in February 2036.
      • And God willing, next year this time or maybe before, Siegfried and Roy will stand here.
      • And the fear, hopefully, God willing, is always a mirage that disappears into the distance… until the next time.
      • Of course we are taping this a little before for holidays, so God willing maybe he was caught.
      • Perhaps next year, God willing, I will be back and have more time to take it all in.
      • I guess I finally found my niche in life and things will hopefully only go upwards from here, God willing.
      • We advise you to accept our offer and if you don't, you will see the lines of cars laden with explosives hit your towns and turn your nights to mornings, God willing.
      • He noted at that time, in his usual mode of contingent optimism, ‘I'll write this column, God willing, for years to come.’
      • ‘And God willing, if this works, maybe two years from now, we'll clone me,’ says the husband.
      perhaps, maybe, it could be, it may be, it is possible, it is conceivable, for all one knows, feasibly, very likely
  • in God's name

    • Used in questions to emphasize anger or surprise.

      what in God's name are you doing?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Who in God's name, I asked myself, are The Valves?
      • The contents of some drawers made me weep - why, in God's name, had I saved 37 ketchup packets?
      • Let me ask you one last question: How in God's name did this thing happen?
      • How, in God's name, could it be expected to appeal to those ladies who, at eight o'clock on a Sunday evening, sit down with a glass of sweet sherry to snuggle up in the comfort blanket of Heartbeat or Where The Heart Is?
      • I often thought, ‘How in God's name can we go up against that?’
      • Because whatever about that particular school, there's a wider issue involved here: what, in God's name, is the Church doing subsidising the education of the rich?
      • Where in God's name can I find a decent paella in this town?
      • How in God's name can that kind of price hike equate with inflation?
      • If you can say whatever you want to say, why in God's name would you say the same things as everyone else?
      • How in God's name can you justify awarding costs against a party who consistently sought to be in a different and less expensive forum?
  • (oh) my God

    • Used for emphasis or to express emotions such as surprise, anger, or excitement.

      oh my God, I'm so nervous right now
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Oh my God, how traumatic it must have been.
      • "My god, I have waited so long for you," she told him.
      • When I sat through the induction training there was lots of waving of hands, I thought, "Oh my God, this will be terrible".
      • Oh my god, I can't believe I missed that.
      • My God, who put that music on?
  • play God

    • Behave as if all-powerful.

      the fear about scientists playing God and creating children
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But such now is the power and pre-eminence of science in the culture of the West, that the temptation for the scientist to play God is greater than ever.
      • Anyone hoping for an intelligent exploration of the rights and wrongs of scientists who play God will only be disappointed.
      • Then the debate over cloning will be well and truly on, so prepare to hear an endless stream of anguished cries that we are on a slippery slope and politicians have joined the scientists in playing God.
      • It may be tempting to respond to scaremongering stories, about scientists playing God and creating Frankenstein's monster and so on, by hyping the possibilities of science and making promises of miracle cures.
      • Some maintain that scientists in the industry are playing God, and the only one to play God should be the Big Man himself.
      • While fundamentalists waste time arguing that we were hand-made by God, scientists and entrepreneurs are playing God by isolating and marketing the very substances of life.
      • I guess they have a thing against scientists playing God.
      • The idea of scientists playing God may also be linked with the fear of social engineering.
      • In an era where it is increasingly possible for doctors and scientists to play God, remaining in control of one's own fate has become a pressing issue.
      • We would have to be as gods, and what right do we have to play God?
  • please God

    • Used to emphasize a strong wish or hope.

      please God the money will help us find a cure
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He can go for the Champion next year and the year after if we can keep him sound, please God - he is a very good horse and I wish I was still riding.
      • But maybe they'll do an illustrated edition (although, please God, no pop-up versions).
      • The politicians spend money telling us that they are the best leader, while commentators write books and columns telling us how we have been let down by our leaders, that we need better leaders, please God, give us leaders.
      • I hope, please God, that nothing happens to any more children, but it's too late for my Anthony.
      • So, please God, let's hope we can get a positive result against West Ham.
      • I was sitting here thinking please God, let her get her bag back and don't let them hurt her!
      • But please God, don't let her win an Oscar, that would be grotesque…
      • She hoped he hadn't flipped; oh, please God, don't let him be crazy as a loon.
      • Oh please God let it be over soon.
      • And please God, let the voting machines in Florida work this time!
  • to God

    • Used after a verb to emphasize a strong wish or hope.

      I hope to God you've got something else to put on
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I only hope to God that those men that did that very shortly afterwards were shot down and killed.
      • I hope to God that she doesn't leave me and all that is left are her memories.
      • He hoped to God that she was right, and that as long as he had faith Mark wouldn't be out of his life forever.
      • As she did so, Jude felt his heart skip a beat and he hoped to God she wouldn't wake up to see him standing there.
      • I sat in registration with my head sunk between my arms hoping to God I could buy my way out of today somehow.
      • Then without looking back he sloshed down the hall again hoping to God that he remembered the way to the shaft.
      • I spent that last day hoping to God that the landlord would not look up and keep the deposit.
      • We just hope to God that Pat is found and that his family can have closure, as we have.
      • A sage once said that an Irish atheist is one who wishes to God he could believe in Him.
      • This experience knocked the atheism out of John and he cried to God for mercy.
  • with God

    • Dead and in heaven.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Dr David said Annabel's death was an awful tragedy but the family was comforted by the fact she was with God.
      • This requires that people grow and receive God and occupy their place with God.
      • Can we experience joy with God in heaven if we know nothing of joy and celebration here on earth?
      • Christians have an eternal life in Heaven with God to look forward to.
      • His family knew he was going to be with God and they know they are going to be with God.
      dead, expired, departed, gone, no more, passed on, passed away


  • godhood

  • noun
    • They were some of the first colonists to this world, and after the use of many technological advancements on their bodies have attained godhood.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But when an apology reflects poorly on the mistake that basically launched the Cold War, they bang their spoons on their highchairs about any attempt to tarnish FDR's godhood.
      • And Jerry's godhood overseas and tireless work for Muscular Dystrophy are oversold, plus I'm not sure I wanted to know quite that much about Jerry's medical problems.
      • The idea is that by realizing your own godhood you realize the godhood of everyone/thing, thereby breaking down the barriers of individuality.
      • Andrew, the nerd manipulated by grandiose dreams of godhood, must admit that he, not some outside force, killed his best friend.
  • godship

  • noun ˈɡɒdʃɪpˈɡɑdˌʃɪp
    • Eve, representing our subconscious desires, wanted to have godship immediately, without going through the necessary cycles of reiterative cause-effect input-output relational feedback mechanisms, without which no person will see godship.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • My entry into godship would be a time of embarrassment, and a feeling of such smallness, counteracted by such mercy and compassion for the smaller parts that I used to ‘be’.
      • This was the task that was given to all demi-gods, if they failed, then they would continue to live mortal lives - however, if they succeeded then they would be blessed with godship, and ultimate mastery of their element.
      • All godships are in him and he appoints them their places; the gods of the dead and the gods of the living.
      • The fact that they changed the English word from godship in the 1969 version to divinity in the 1985 version is also revealing.
  • godward

  • adverb ˈɡɒdwədˈɡɑdwərd
    • (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) towards or in relation to God.

      I could finally be free to turn my attention Godward
      he has a conviction that the beauty and order of things leads you Godwards
  • godwards

  • adjective ˈɡɒdwədˈɡɑdwərd
    • (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) directed towards or relating to God.

      the Godward endeavour of the human spirit
      Example sentencesExamples
      • These women had no blueprint for laying open the way godwards for women, except fidelity to their own insights, and their intuition that the way to God had to equally available to all.
      • He's not unlike Ender himself, in many ways; but, especially at times when his weltschmerz ascends godwards, he more significantly resembles Gordon R. Dickson's greatest creation, Donal Graeme, the small tough strategic genius whose grasp of strategy is paranormal, and who dominates all 40 years of the Dorsai saga.


Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch god and German Gott.

  • The Old English word God is related to similar words in German and in Scandinavian languages, but not to the Latin and Greek words, which were deus (see divine) and theos (as in theology (Late Middle English)). The top gallery in a theatre is known as the gods—the original term in the 1750s was the regions of the gods, because the seats were high up and therefore close to the heavens. Godfather and godmother has been used since around ad 1000. Godfather meaning ‘a leader of the American Mafia’ has been a familiar term since Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather (1969) filmed in 1972, but was first recorded in the early 1960s. The origins of the British national anthem God save the Queen (or King) are not known for sure, but the song was definitely sung in London theatres in 1745, when the country was threatened by the Jacobite uprising led by the Young Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charlie, and the words and tune probably date from the previous century. ‘God save the king’ was a password in the navy as early as 1545—‘long to reign over us’ was the correct response. The exclamations gosh (mid 18th century) and golly (mid 18th century) were originally ways to avoid taking God's name in vain. See also lap


Definition of God in US English:


  • 1(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The gracious God allowed Adam and Eve to live, though he banished them from the Garden of Eden.
    • Even the Christian God at times would come into my dreams and makes himself known.
    • Nanak says God is the Creator and He Himself explains His Command to the true devotees.
    • The same God who sent ravens to feed his prophet had used the most unlikely person in the town to meet our need.
    • For in order to save us in such a way as to satisfy himself, God through Christ substituted himself for us.
    • In God's providence he had the opportunity to do something about this that July.
    • She asks the professor if he believes that there is a God who created the Universe and guides His creation.
    • She was advised to pray to the God of the Christians, who has power over all spirits.
    • Its difficult for us to neatly categorise Jesus, this love of God, as a Christian or a Jew.
    • What if the God at issue is the Trinitarian God of Christian worship and theology?
    • Boris goes to his death knowing that there is a God and that the universe has a meaning.
    • It is vital that the churches know God through Christ and the gospel of grace.
    • All of us are sinful, we have all done wrong and this separates us from our creator God.
    • From moral relativism to denying the unique moral authority of God was a short step.
    • Worshipping the true God is an authentic act of resistance to all forms of idolatry.
    • However, the Christian belief is that God created a man to have sex with a woman.
    • Christianity is what God has done for man in seeking him and reaching down to help him.
    • We have a place in the universe God has created, and we are fully subject to its processes.
    • I suppose that he is now in a place that his Christian God feels is his just retirement.
    • Our boldness should proclaim the mercy of God in Christ, even as it condemns evil in the world around us.
    the father, jehovah, the almighty, the supreme being, the deity
  • 2(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.

    a moon god
    an incarnation of the god Vishnu
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the Vedic discourse, the cognitive centers are called the devatas or devas - deities or gods, or luminous loci.
    • On the surface it may appear to be polytheistic with many gods and objects worshipped in various forms.
    • There are myths about early attempts of the gods to create human life (which failed) until the third try which was us.
    • Because Wiccans seem to worship nature and nature goddesses and gods, they can be called pantheists.
    • In Jainism, there is no worship of gods, goddesses or spirits.
    • The power surrendered by the gods to Nahusha is manipulated by him into a means for satiating his craving for Indra's wife.
    • Hindus are truly monotheist but worship many gods and goddesses and see the same God in them.
    • Worshippers repeat the names of their favourite gods and goddesses, and repeat mantras.
    • Christian saints are often credited with the supernatural powers attributed to the gods of native Amerindian religions.
    • Archangels, elemental lords, quarter powers, lesser gods, Loa, are above us but not beyond our reach, such as an older sibling or an aunt or uncle.
    • In pre-Islamic Arabia, Mecca was a major city on the trade routes, a pilgrimage site, and a site of worship of numerous pre-Islamic gods and goddesses.
    • Because, at least when doing the ritual itself, you have to believe in the god or spirit you are working with.
    • The Second Isaiah's approach to the worship of Babylonian gods and religious practices is well known.
    • Some religions maintain that there is just one God and that all the gods of all religions except theirs were created by human beings.
    • Surya is the deity upholding Rita, truth, while Dharma is the god of righteousness.
    • Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities.
    • The kami are the gods, the deities, there are so many in Japan.
    • Hinduism's strength has always been in its inherently pluralistic nature, its respect for other religions and its freedom to worship different gods and goddesses, or none at all.
    • Gradually, the people began to adopt polytheistic ideas, and worship spirits and many different gods.
    • It is directed to a pantheon of deities, gods and goddesses, each of whom are housed in their own shrine.
    deity, goddess, divine being, celestial being, supreme being, divinity, immortal
    1. 2.1 An image, idol, animal, or other object worshiped as divine or symbolizing a god.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A mountain is god, a river is god, and animals have natural and supernatural values.
      • Never the less she saw on the front of the golden band it was one of the dragon god's symbols.
      • Both had wide platforms built around them in stone and mud, with three images of entwined snake gods embedded in the mud, close to the tree trunks.
      • You're likely to by killed by a pant-dampening array of ferocious animal gods.
      • Yeah but this still doesn't answer the origin of the animal gods.
      idol, graven image, icon, golden calf, totem, talisman, fetish, mascot, juju
    2. 2.2 Used as a conventional personification of fate.
      he dialed the number and, the gods relenting, got through at once
      Example sentencesExamples
      • What if that 60 minutes had been set aside by the gods of fate for your time to meet your lifelong soulmate?
      • If this happens at every gig I am going to have to assume I have indeed angered gods of some kind.
      • On a recent visit to Nick's place, I decided to tempt fate and see what the telephone gods had in store for a couple of snoops.
      • I inwardly thanked the gods that these people had no idea who I really was.
      • ‘Irony’ in its original form is the will of the fates or gods played out through the lives of mortals.
      • What an unfortunate fate the gods had condemned her to.
      • The weather gods were not smiling on our hero this week, at least during his layovers at Hartsfield.
      • But I'm wondering - do I tempt fate and the gods of baseball by putting some voodoo magic up here?
      • Every now and then, my belief in the gods of fate is reaffirmed.
      • So of course, that was precisely when the gods of fate decided to throw her a curveball.
      • It is a very funny play, a farce (thank the gods, I didn't think they were possible any more) and gives a super chance for a performance for the actress who plays Wanda.
      • I've been on the other side, and every day, I thank the gods of fate that guided me into my current situation.
      • Alas, is this the fate the gods have allotted to the greatest journalist the British Empire has ever known?
      • The Poznan weather gods knew the importance of the day and turned on almost flat water conditions with barely a breath of a head wind.
      • They wondered which political leader angered the sea gods this time.
  • 3An adored, admired, or influential person.

    he has little time for the fashion victims for whom he is a god
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Ophim strives to uphold the Indian tradition that guests are gods; this will greatly appeal to the slothful.
    • Then there's the bad taste exemplified by the rock god/guitar hero.
    • Posh and Becks have been promoted in status - from mere celebrities to gods.
    • The process may have been low-key and painfully slow, but it has seen the old Republican gods and heroes repudiated.
    • I would of course win, and embark on an exciting and glamorous career as a celebrity re-mixer and general global god of Dance music.
    • These guys were the cock of the walk, the gods, the rulers of all they surveyed.
    • Media journalists should not be viewed as celebrities - as gods floating far above ‘ordinary’ people.
    • Damn celebrities, no wonder they are gods on earth.
    • Among the show's joys are his playful imitations of the acting techniques of the likes of theatre gods Olivier and Branagh.
    • In the land of football gods, it is hard to be a hero.
    1. 3.1 A thing accorded the supreme importance appropriate to a god.
      don't make money your god
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Spending less time with our families because one of both parents are chasing the money god.
      • I've never made money my own god, so I'm not impressed by people who've got a lot of money.
  • 4the godsinformal The gallery in a theater.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • I feel robbed at not having the chance of sitting in the gods humming along with the line quoted below.
    balcony, circle, upper circle
  • Used for emphasis or to express emotions such as surprise, anger, or distress.

    God, what did I do to deserve this?
    God, how I hate that woman!
    Good God, where have you been?
    Example sentencesExamples
    • God, how unbelievably corny!
    • Good god folks, if you don't want danger, don't race your bike!
    • I was thinking, good God, this was not an accident.
    • God, this isn't a bad game at all; this'll do me, I'll stick at it.
    • Isn't there a point where you think: God, it's going to be great to be shot of all of this?


  • God bless

    • An expression of good wishes on parting.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • I thought charitably that the workforce, God bless, was enthused by the festive spirit and had decided to take the week off.
      • Now, after he nearly got run out of the game, he's a headliner, God bless.
      • Good night, God bless, and have fun with your modems and be kind to your RAM.
      • And could I say to her and to Dennis, every good wish for the future and God bless.
      • From your heartbroken children Audra, Ed and Adrian, God bless.
  • God damn (you, him, etc.)

    • May (you, he, etc.) be damned.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • May God damn this kind of political discourse and the contempt for the disabled that makes the Chattering Class think it's funny.
      • Not that I could understand any of it other than NO and God damn you!
      • I'm positive that we can't win against these guys, and God damn you!
      • A mention of Amy Johnson, the first woman to fly solo to Australia in 1930, elicited from him a cry of, ‘Oh God damn the bloody woman!’
      • You promised it wouldn't happen, God damn you, but it has.
  • God the Father

    • (in Christian doctrine) the first person of the Trinity, God as creator and supreme authority.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
      • Letters from you and letters from people around the country about the practical, powerful, precious effect of the truth that God the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is absolutely sovereign over all suffering and sin.
      • And in the Holy Spirit, that is the Paraclete who was given to us from God the Father through the Son.
      • The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
      • Three in One is based on the Holy Trinity - God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
      • As I have previously blogged, I do regard myself as a Christian, if being a Christian means believing in God the Father, the Son, and Spirit, taking the words of the Gospel as, well, gospel, and believing in an hereafter.
      • The Trinity concerns the source of creative newness in God the Father, the form of that creativity in Christ, with its power to overcome cruelty and loss, and its inexhaustibility in the Spirit that penetrates the shapes of human living.
      • And no one was more pleasing to God the Father than Jesus, his Son; and yet he was the great victim.
      • A number of rituals in the ceremony are repeated three times and this symbolises the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
      • But therefore hate they us, because we love thee: therefore persecute they us, because we acknowledge thee, God the Father, and Jesus Christ thy Son, whom thou hast sent.
  • God grant

    • Used to express a wish that something should happen.

      God grant he will soon regain his freedom
      Example sentencesExamples
      • May God grant them both ease from their sufferings.
      • Seriously though, God grant healing to the flight attendants and repentance to this guy through Christ our Lord.
      • To find out more about this face of evil (and may God grant him swift and full repentance) go here.
      • ‘May God grant that we be free from the peril of a tragic clash between cultures and religions,’ he said in his Easter message.
      • May God grant that I may live through all this and be again united with my Angellic wife and children.
  • God help (you, him, etc.)

    • Used to express the belief that someone is in a difficult, dangerous, or hopeless situation.

      God help anyone who tried to cheer me out of my bad mood
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now listen closely because I will only explain it once and God help anyone who does this incorrectly.
      • The reality was as soon as a soldier went on duty, the ‘safety’ was in the off position, a bullet in the barrel and God help anyone who fired at him.
      • And God help anyone who tries to move them out of its beam.
      • They may disagree but, when the chips are down, they come together as a people and as a nation and God help anyone who threatens that.
      • This kind of torture, and God help anyone trying to minimize it, doesn't work and is just wrong.
      • Well if he thinks that emerging from North Street is difficult, God help the residents of Oakworth, Haworth and those areas if they need emergency help on a teatime rush hour.
      • He's climbing the ladder straight to the top, and God help anyone unlucky enough to be in his way.
      • If they get in then God help the workers or anyone who has bettered themselves, saved a quid and maybe even bought an investment property or two.
      • And God help anyone who runs out of petrol after 7pm or on a Sunday, without a credit card for the automated pump.
      • Unfortunately today's parents condone their child's bad behaviour and think it's normal, and God help anyone who disagrees.
  • God the Son

    • (in Christian doctrine) Christ regarded as the second person of the Trinity; God as incarnate and resurrected savior.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • His birth was nothing less than the enfleshment of God the Son, in which the divine and human natures were united in the one person.
      • Here the alignment is not between God the Father and God the Son on the one hand, and Peter and George Bailey on the other, but rather between Joseph and Clarence in heaven, and Peter and George Bailey on earth.
      • According to this view, in becoming incarnate, God the Son voluntarily and temporarily laid aside some of his divine attributes in order to take on a human nature and thus his earthly mission.
      • This Birth began the second Age of God the Son and will end with the death of Peter the Roman.
      • All who are there will have to deal with the reality that God is a Trinity and Jesus is, in fact, God the Son.
      • There can only be one Kingdom of worth and that is the Kingdom of Heaven presided over by God the Father flanked by God the Son and the Holy Ghost.
      • The second aspect of the Trinity is that of God the Son.
      • However, we will continue to be unlike Christ in terms of his essential glory as God the Son, a glory he shares exclusively with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
      • In the most profound display of mercy and grace imaginable, He stepped into our shoes as a man, God the Son.
      • In the same way Jesus is God, yet is not as great as the Father, for he is God the Son.
  • God willing

    • Used to express the wish that one will be able to do as one intends or that something will happen as planned.

      one day, God willing, she and John might have a daughter
      Example sentencesExamples
      • And, God willing, their grandchildren will also be inspired and moved and become better and bigger because of what happened on that increasingly distant summer day.
      • I guess I finally found my niche in life and things will hopefully only go upwards from here, God willing.
      • Perhaps next year, God willing, I will be back and have more time to take it all in.
      • And the fear, hopefully, God willing, is always a mirage that disappears into the distance… until the next time.
      • Of course we are taping this a little before for holidays, so God willing maybe he was caught.
      • We advise you to accept our offer and if you don't, you will see the lines of cars laden with explosives hit your towns and turn your nights to mornings, God willing.
      • And God willing, next year this time or maybe before, Siegfried and Roy will stand here.
      • He noted at that time, in his usual mode of contingent optimism, ‘I'll write this column, God willing, for years to come.’
      • So, God willing, I will turn 67 in February 2036.
      • ‘And God willing, if this works, maybe two years from now, we'll clone me,’ says the husband.
      perhaps, maybe, it could be, it may be, it is possible, it is conceivable, for all one knows, feasibly, very likely
  • in God's name

    • Used in questions to emphasize anger or surprise.

      what in God's name are you doing up there?
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The contents of some drawers made me weep - why, in God's name, had I saved 37 ketchup packets?
      • Where in God's name can I find a decent paella in this town?
      • I often thought, ‘How in God's name can we go up against that?’
      • How, in God's name, could it be expected to appeal to those ladies who, at eight o'clock on a Sunday evening, sit down with a glass of sweet sherry to snuggle up in the comfort blanket of Heartbeat or Where The Heart Is?
      • Let me ask you one last question: How in God's name did this thing happen?
      • Who in God's name, I asked myself, are The Valves?
      • Because whatever about that particular school, there's a wider issue involved here: what, in God's name, is the Church doing subsidising the education of the rich?
      • How in God's name can that kind of price hike equate with inflation?
      • If you can say whatever you want to say, why in God's name would you say the same things as everyone else?
      • How in God's name can you justify awarding costs against a party who consistently sought to be in a different and less expensive forum?
  • play God

    • Behave as if all-powerful or supremely important.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • It may be tempting to respond to scaremongering stories, about scientists playing God and creating Frankenstein's monster and so on, by hyping the possibilities of science and making promises of miracle cures.
      • Some maintain that scientists in the industry are playing God, and the only one to play God should be the Big Man himself.
      • But such now is the power and pre-eminence of science in the culture of the West, that the temptation for the scientist to play God is greater than ever.
      • Then the debate over cloning will be well and truly on, so prepare to hear an endless stream of anguished cries that we are on a slippery slope and politicians have joined the scientists in playing God.
      • While fundamentalists waste time arguing that we were hand-made by God, scientists and entrepreneurs are playing God by isolating and marketing the very substances of life.
      • We would have to be as gods, and what right do we have to play God?
      • The idea of scientists playing God may also be linked with the fear of social engineering.
      • Anyone hoping for an intelligent exploration of the rights and wrongs of scientists who play God will only be disappointed.
      • In an era where it is increasingly possible for doctors and scientists to play God, remaining in control of one's own fate has become a pressing issue.
      • I guess they have a thing against scientists playing God.
  • please God

    • Used to emphasize a strong wish or hope.

      please God the money will help us find a cure
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Oh please God let it be over soon.
      • But please God, don't let her win an Oscar, that would be grotesque…
      • I hope, please God, that nothing happens to any more children, but it's too late for my Anthony.
      • I was sitting here thinking please God, let her get her bag back and don't let them hurt her!
      • The politicians spend money telling us that they are the best leader, while commentators write books and columns telling us how we have been let down by our leaders, that we need better leaders, please God, give us leaders.
      • So, please God, let's hope we can get a positive result against West Ham.
      • And please God, let the voting machines in Florida work this time!
      • But maybe they'll do an illustrated edition (although, please God, no pop-up versions).
      • She hoped he hadn't flipped; oh, please God, don't let him be crazy as a loon.
      • He can go for the Champion next year and the year after if we can keep him sound, please God - he is a very good horse and I wish I was still riding.
  • to God

    • Used after a verb to emphasize a strong wish or hope.

      I hope to God you've got something else to put on
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I hope to God that she doesn't leave me and all that is left are her memories.
      • As she did so, Jude felt his heart skip a beat and he hoped to God she wouldn't wake up to see him standing there.
      • Then without looking back he sloshed down the hall again hoping to God that he remembered the way to the shaft.
      • I spent that last day hoping to God that the landlord would not look up and keep the deposit.
      • A sage once said that an Irish atheist is one who wishes to God he could believe in Him.
      • This experience knocked the atheism out of John and he cried to God for mercy.
      • He hoped to God that she was right, and that as long as he had faith Mark wouldn't be out of his life forever.
      • We just hope to God that Pat is found and that his family can have closure, as we have.
      • I sat in registration with my head sunk between my arms hoping to God I could buy my way out of today somehow.
      • I only hope to God that those men that did that very shortly afterwards were shot down and killed.
  • with God

    • Dead and in heaven.

      Example sentencesExamples
      • This requires that people grow and receive God and occupy their place with God.
      • Can we experience joy with God in heaven if we know nothing of joy and celebration here on earth?
      • Dr David said Annabel's death was an awful tragedy but the family was comforted by the fact she was with God.
      • His family knew he was going to be with God and they know they are going to be with God.
      • Christians have an eternal life in Heaven with God to look forward to.
      dead, expired, departed, gone, no more, passed on, passed away


Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch god and German Gott.





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