

单词 baldness

Definition of baldness in English:


mass noun
  • 1The condition of having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.

    we cannot cure baldness, nor restore hair to denuded scalps
    baldness ran in his family
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We keep hearing about chemotherapy and baldness and nausea.
    • I have the recessive gene for baldness on my X chromosome.
    • She decided to shave her hair to complete baldness.
    • It runs in his father's side of the family, along with premature baldness.
    • In Asian countries where vegetables are primary in the diet, pattern baldness is rarely seen.
    • Perhaps baldness has its privileges, or maybe I just selected the wrong vocation.
    • Hippocrates sought relief from his baldness by rubbing pigeon dung all over his head.
    • I came here looking for a natural cure for baldness.
    • The foreman mentioned his advancing baldness.
    • His long flowing hair has given way to baldness.
    hair loss, hairlessness
    Medicine alopecia, madarosis
  • 2Speech without any extra detail or explanation; plainness; bluntness.

    the baldness of his comments on this subject
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The prevailing baldness of Polybius's style excludes him from the first rank among classical writers.
    • Just note the force of what he'd written, the sheer baldness of the analysis.
    • He finds a poetry in seemingly the most unpoetic of actions by the sheer baldness of his writing.
    • The firing of eight attorneys stands out for the baldness of its political motives.
    • He said this matter-of-factly, before chuckling at the baldness of the comment.
    • The neutral countries complain bitterly at the extraordinary baldness of our news service.
    • Direct speech acts, or baldness of speech, would be a simple matter for other cultures to translate
    • The sublimity is lost in renderings as clumsy in verbal baldness as a schoolboy's crib.
    • She let the baldness of her statement stand for itself.
    • The brevity and baldness of the message filled me with vague concern.

Definition of baldness in US English:


  • 1The condition of having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.

    we cannot cure baldness, nor restore hair to denuded scalps
    baldness ran in his family
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Hippocrates sought relief from his baldness by rubbing pigeon dung all over his head.
    • In Asian countries where vegetables are primary in the diet, pattern baldness is rarely seen.
    • Perhaps baldness has its privileges, or maybe I just selected the wrong vocation.
    • She decided to shave her hair to complete baldness.
    • His long flowing hair has given way to baldness.
    • I have the recessive gene for baldness on my X chromosome.
    • We keep hearing about chemotherapy and baldness and nausea.
    • I came here looking for a natural cure for baldness.
    • It runs in his father's side of the family, along with premature baldness.
    • The foreman mentioned his advancing baldness.
    hair loss, hairlessness
  • 2Speech without any extra detail or explanation; plainness; bluntness.

    the baldness of his comments on this subject
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The prevailing baldness of Polybius's style excludes him from the first rank among classical writers.
    • He finds a poetry in seemingly the most unpoetic of actions by the sheer baldness of his writing.
    • She let the baldness of her statement stand for itself.
    • The brevity and baldness of the message filled me with vague concern.
    • The firing of eight attorneys stands out for the baldness of its political motives.
    • Direct speech acts, or baldness of speech, would be a simple matter for other cultures to translate
    • Just note the force of what he'd written, the sheer baldness of the analysis.
    • The sublimity is lost in renderings as clumsy in verbal baldness as a schoolboy's crib.
    • He said this matter-of-factly, before chuckling at the baldness of the comment.
    • The neutral countries complain bitterly at the extraordinary baldness of our news service.




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