

单词 earthly

Definition of earthly in English:


adjectiveearthliest, earthlier ˈəːθliˈərθli
  • 1Relating to the earth or human life.

    water is liquid at normal earthly temperatures
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Humans and other earthly life forms evolved within the protective shell of the magnetosphere and the atmosphere, shielded from most of the harmful solar and cosmic radiation.
    • So - what is weather other than this incessant change of earthly conditions and all the human thoughts, feelings and undertakings influenced by it?
    • Roughly 4.5 billion years from now, Lyotard reminds us, the sun will explode, destroying the earth and all earthly life.
    • Michael Sacks starred as the time-tripping, optometrist hero who survives a series of both earthly and inter-planetary adventures displaying man's inhumanity to man.
    • I, however, am new to this clime, and I stare in wonder at this spectacle, this ballet of life, this vision of earthly beauty, that I feel fortunate to have witnessed.
    • The question remains: is the concurrent rise of solar activity and of earthly temperatures a coincidence or a cause-and-effect relationship?
    • Next, get a close-up of our earthly neighbor, the planet Mars in the breathtaking photo book ‘Visions of Mars.’
    terrestrial, telluric, tellurian
    rare terrene, subastral
    1. 1.1 Relating to humankind's material existence as distinct from a spiritual or heavenly one.
      all earthly happiness is but vanity
      Example sentencesExamples
      • After his funeral, after going through his things, his earthly possessions, in the sealed apartment, I hadn't wanted to do anything but sleep for a long time and not dream.
      • The previous article came to the conclusion that, as in many areas of our earthly existence, globalization has both a dark and a bright side.
      • The truth, however, is that inner peace is not even supposed to occur during our earthly existence.
      • Dashwood spared no expense in turning his new property into a garden of earthly delights.
      • Lijiang, a poetic place in South China's Yunnan Province, offers a heavenly escape from earthly troubles and anxieties.
      • He was a fierce, conflicted hater who never quite reconciled his earthly and spiritual ambitions.
      • Some of the reviewers when the book appeared seemed to find evidence for a sudden conversion round about 1934, but his disgust for earthly things is displayed over and over again in his early novels.
      • In this state, individuals can better achieve their material wants, or earthly ends.
      • Determined to forget his past, he is finally able to devote himself to the more elevating aspects of earthly existence.
      • In the European imagination China, mysterious and largely unknown, became an earthly paradise.
      • Redemption, as C. S. Lewis, noted, works backwards, not annihilating history but transforming it's earthly and eternal meaning and impact.
      • This was surely an earthly paradise if one were possible.
      • Through the symbolism of the heavens the astrologer aims to gain a deeper spiritual knowledge of earthly matters, and seeks to understand the wider significance of the situations that trouble us.
      • Weaving in and out of her past, she leads us along the winding path of her earthly and spiritual adventures.
      • It remains gloriously aloof from man's bitter quarrels, soaring, with a heavenly grace, beyond earthly feuds.
      • There are the voices of the economy; they call out that earthly riches are of infinite value.
      • They push shopping carts loaded with children, with bags of diapers and groceries, and all their earthly possessions crammed into a few white plastic trash bags.
      • In short, Luther did not imagine, at least in earthly world before the end of time, some Utopia free of violence.
      • Masks are often the channel between the spiritual and earthly realms, and they can represent the manifestation of nature and ancestor spirits.
      • It explains what functions the heavenly and earthly bodies have and offers guidance on how to behave toward gods, spirits, and one's ancestors.
      worldly, temporal, secular, mortal, human, mundane, material, non-spiritual, materialistic
      carnal, fleshly, bodily, physical, corporal, corporeal, sensual
      gross, base, sordid, vile, profane
      rare somatic, sublunary, terrene
  • 2informal with negative Used for emphasis.

    there was no earthly reason why she should not come too
    Example sentencesExamples
    • With no earthly reason to use performance-enhancing drugs, he nonetheless got caught doing just that.
    • I can see no earthly reason to cut this to be honest.
    • We were only shylocked once - an exorbitantly priced lunch, the final total of which bore no earthly resemblance to the prices of the food we'd seen inside the door just moments before.
    • What would you do if someone started screaming and yelling at you for no earthly reason?
    • There is no earthly reason why you should deprive yourself of the luxury.
    • However, he opined that with full staff now in place, there is no earthly reason why it shouldn't be functioning to full capacity at this time.
    • There is no earthly reason why our courts should be shielded from public gaze.
    • This is the year in which I have no earthly reason to gripe, complain and stamp my feet over the results of the annual Academy Awards competition.
    • As things are today, there seems no earthly reason why resolution of issues cannot be achieved.
    • There's no other earthly reason to be disappointed.
    • There is no earthly reason for you to call it a day.
    • She had been turned human again, though how, she had no earthly idea.
    • It suddenly dawns on him that there is no earthly reason for him to go to Pritchard at all.
    • Before last week, the Latino share of the electorate had risen steadily for a decade and a half, and there's no earthly reason to think it won't resume its upward climb in 2004.
    • My argument is that there is no earthly reason why young adults should be made to be dependent on their parents in this way.
    • Sometimes he laughs for no earthly reason, and one feels sorry at being not able to join him.
    • What was most galling was that there was no earthly reason why the Leinster final couldn't comfortably have been brought forward by a week or a fortnight.
    • I think my mobile phone would have to be securely locked away, my computer removed to a place where there would be no earthly possibility that I might happen to glance upon it.
    • For no earthly reason - well, other than a little tiredness - I just want to go and hide under my duvet and shut out the world for a few hours.
    • When you're away from the office, you can think of no earthly reason to go back.
    feasible, possible, likely, conceivable, imaginable, perceivable


  • not stand (or have) an earthly

    • informal Have no chance at all.

      she wouldn't stand an earthly if she tried to outrun him
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Consider the pounding the dressing room has taken in the last week or so and his men surely didn't stand an earthly.
      • Warnock didn't have an earthly with the conversion.


  • earthliness

  • noun ˈəːθlɪnəsˈərθlinəs
    • And it is in this arena that the ‘earthliness’ of the Church often gets caught up with its divine aspect - where the rubber hits the road, so to speak.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I love the simplicity of Buddhism, the earthliness of Shinto and the 9 Virtues of the Asatru.
      • Jeunet made the capricious Amélie with her in 2001, and ‘capricious’ is the only word for a movie that itself strained to wed the serendipity of surrealism to the earthliness of affinity.
      • Given that his grandfather is among the top three world coaches, and that his father has a earthliness that is equally impressive, Daniel has started his golfing life with every possible advantage.

Definition of earthly in US English:


  • 1Relating to the earth or human life on the earth.

    water is liquid at normal earthly temperatures
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Roughly 4.5 billion years from now, Lyotard reminds us, the sun will explode, destroying the earth and all earthly life.
    • Humans and other earthly life forms evolved within the protective shell of the magnetosphere and the atmosphere, shielded from most of the harmful solar and cosmic radiation.
    • Michael Sacks starred as the time-tripping, optometrist hero who survives a series of both earthly and inter-planetary adventures displaying man's inhumanity to man.
    • Next, get a close-up of our earthly neighbor, the planet Mars in the breathtaking photo book ‘Visions of Mars.’
    • The question remains: is the concurrent rise of solar activity and of earthly temperatures a coincidence or a cause-and-effect relationship?
    • I, however, am new to this clime, and I stare in wonder at this spectacle, this ballet of life, this vision of earthly beauty, that I feel fortunate to have witnessed.
    • So - what is weather other than this incessant change of earthly conditions and all the human thoughts, feelings and undertakings influenced by it?
    terrestrial, telluric, tellurian
    1. 1.1 Relating to humankind's material existence as distinct from a spiritual or heavenly one.
      all earthly happiness is but vanity
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are the voices of the economy; they call out that earthly riches are of infinite value.
      • Masks are often the channel between the spiritual and earthly realms, and they can represent the manifestation of nature and ancestor spirits.
      • Some of the reviewers when the book appeared seemed to find evidence for a sudden conversion round about 1934, but his disgust for earthly things is displayed over and over again in his early novels.
      • The previous article came to the conclusion that, as in many areas of our earthly existence, globalization has both a dark and a bright side.
      • It remains gloriously aloof from man's bitter quarrels, soaring, with a heavenly grace, beyond earthly feuds.
      • He was a fierce, conflicted hater who never quite reconciled his earthly and spiritual ambitions.
      • This was surely an earthly paradise if one were possible.
      • Weaving in and out of her past, she leads us along the winding path of her earthly and spiritual adventures.
      • Lijiang, a poetic place in South China's Yunnan Province, offers a heavenly escape from earthly troubles and anxieties.
      • Redemption, as C. S. Lewis, noted, works backwards, not annihilating history but transforming it's earthly and eternal meaning and impact.
      • Dashwood spared no expense in turning his new property into a garden of earthly delights.
      • The truth, however, is that inner peace is not even supposed to occur during our earthly existence.
      • In this state, individuals can better achieve their material wants, or earthly ends.
      • Determined to forget his past, he is finally able to devote himself to the more elevating aspects of earthly existence.
      • In short, Luther did not imagine, at least in earthly world before the end of time, some Utopia free of violence.
      • In the European imagination China, mysterious and largely unknown, became an earthly paradise.
      • They push shopping carts loaded with children, with bags of diapers and groceries, and all their earthly possessions crammed into a few white plastic trash bags.
      • After his funeral, after going through his things, his earthly possessions, in the sealed apartment, I hadn't wanted to do anything but sleep for a long time and not dream.
      • It explains what functions the heavenly and earthly bodies have and offers guidance on how to behave toward gods, spirits, and one's ancestors.
      • Through the symbolism of the heavens the astrologer aims to gain a deeper spiritual knowledge of earthly matters, and seeks to understand the wider significance of the situations that trouble us.
      worldly, temporal, secular, mortal, human, mundane, material, non-spiritual, materialistic
  • 2informal with negative Used for emphasis.

    there was no earthly reason why she should not come too
    Example sentencesExamples
    • For no earthly reason - well, other than a little tiredness - I just want to go and hide under my duvet and shut out the world for a few hours.
    • There is no earthly reason for you to call it a day.
    • This is the year in which I have no earthly reason to gripe, complain and stamp my feet over the results of the annual Academy Awards competition.
    • With no earthly reason to use performance-enhancing drugs, he nonetheless got caught doing just that.
    • She had been turned human again, though how, she had no earthly idea.
    • There's no other earthly reason to be disappointed.
    • There is no earthly reason why our courts should be shielded from public gaze.
    • I think my mobile phone would have to be securely locked away, my computer removed to a place where there would be no earthly possibility that I might happen to glance upon it.
    • Before last week, the Latino share of the electorate had risen steadily for a decade and a half, and there's no earthly reason to think it won't resume its upward climb in 2004.
    • There is no earthly reason why you should deprive yourself of the luxury.
    • What was most galling was that there was no earthly reason why the Leinster final couldn't comfortably have been brought forward by a week or a fortnight.
    • My argument is that there is no earthly reason why young adults should be made to be dependent on their parents in this way.
    • I can see no earthly reason to cut this to be honest.
    • It suddenly dawns on him that there is no earthly reason for him to go to Pritchard at all.
    • We were only shylocked once - an exorbitantly priced lunch, the final total of which bore no earthly resemblance to the prices of the food we'd seen inside the door just moments before.
    • What would you do if someone started screaming and yelling at you for no earthly reason?
    • As things are today, there seems no earthly reason why resolution of issues cannot be achieved.
    • When you're away from the office, you can think of no earthly reason to go back.
    • However, he opined that with full staff now in place, there is no earthly reason why it shouldn't be functioning to full capacity at this time.
    • Sometimes he laughs for no earthly reason, and one feels sorry at being not able to join him.
    feasible, possible, likely, conceivable, imaginable, perceivable




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