

(ˈhaɪlɪˌsɪzəm) n1. (Philosophy) the philosophy that the only thing that can be proven to exist is matter and that everything, including consciousness, is as a result of interaction with material things. Also called materialism2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) theol the doctrine concerning the three lowest Gnostic orders of humans which are concerned with the material (as opposed to psychism and pneumatism)3. (Philosophy) the theory that matter is the principle of evil

hylicism, hylism

1. the materialist theories of the early Ionic philosophers. — hylicist, n.
2. the doctrines concerning the lowest of three Gnostic orders of mankind, the material or fleshly, unsavable as sons of the devil. Cf. pneumatism, psychism.
3. the theory that regards matter as the principle of evil, as in dualistic theology or philosophy. — hylic, adj.
See also: Philosophy