Independent Stack-Frame
Stack-Frame, Independent
(in Russian, etazherka), an engineering structure that is used at an industrial enterprise to house and support production equipment. Independent stack-frames are most widely used at chemical enterprises, oil refineries, and food-processing enterprises. Such structures may be located outside industrial buildings or inside such buildings, for example, in industrial pavilions.
Depending on production processes, single-tier or multiple-tier independent stack-frames with a tier height of 3.6 to 7.2 m are used in industrial construction practice in the USSR. A frame consisting of columns and beams serves as the load-bearing structure. The elements of the frame are made of precast reinforced concrete for independent stack-frames located outdoors or of steel for those located inside buildings. The roofs of steel independent stack-frames are usually made of precast reinforced concrete.
The equipment that is placed on an independent stack-frame rests on the beams of the frame, with girders installed between the beams used to transmit loads. Light equipment may rest directly on the roof slabs.
A very promising possibility is the use of independent stackframes whose designs allow them to be erected in consolidated units.