a feudal dynasty in Azerbaijan and northern Iran from 1136 to 1225. The founder of the dynasty, Shams al-Din Ildiguz (1136–74), became an independent ruler in 1136. He united under his authority southern Azerbaijan, part of northern Azerbaijan, and the northwestern districts of Iran. The Ildiguzid state, which was shaken by an invasion of the Mongols in 1220–22, finally fell under the blows of Sheikh Jalal al-Din of Khwarizm in 1225.
Ali-zade, A. A. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskaia ipoliticheskaia istoriia Azer-baidzhana XIII-XIV vv. Baku, 1956.Sharifli, M. Kh. “Azerbaidzhan v IX-XII vv.” Trudy In-ta istorii ANAzerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1957, vol. 12.