

单词 hemolytic uremic syndrome

hemolytic uremic syndrome


hemolytic uremic syndrome

hemolytic uremic syndrome

[hē·mə¦lid·ik yə¦rēm·ik ′sin‚drōm] (medicine) An illness characterized by the abrupt onset of decreased urine production, loss of kidney function, and anemia. It may be accompanied by edema, hypertension, blood-clotting disorders, and seizures. It is often caused by infection with Escherichia coli O157:H7 but has also been associated with Salmonella and Shigella.

hemolytic uremic syndrome


 [he″mo-lit´ik] pertaining to, characterized by, or producing hemolysis.hemolytic anemia anemia caused by the increased destruction of erythrocytes. A frequently fatal type occurs in infants as a result of Rh incompatibility with the mother's blood (see Rh factor and erythroblastosis fetalis). Other types result from mismatched blood transfusions; from industrial poisons such as benzene, trinitrotoluene (TNT), or aniline; and from hypersensitivity to certain antibiotics and tranquilizers (anemia" >drug-induced hemolytic anemia). Another important cause is mechanical obstruction caused by microvascular or valvular abnormalities. In addition, it sometimes occurs as a result of a disorder of the immune response in which B-cell–produced antibodies fail to recognize the body's own erythrocytes and directly attack and destroy them (anemia" >autoimmune hemolytic anemia). Finally, some types of hemolytic anemia appear in the course of other diseases such as leukemia, hodgkin's disease, other types of cancer, acute alcoholism, and liver diseases. Along with the usual symptoms of anemia, the patient may exhibit jaundice. If the cause of the condition can be determined, and if it can be successfully treated, there is a good chance of recovery. steroids and transfusion therapy are used to treat some types. In other cases, surgical removal of the spleen may bring about great improvement.hemolytic disease of newborn erythroblastosis fetalis.hemolytic jaundice a rare, chronic, and generally hereditary disease characterized by periods of excessive hemolysis due to abnormal fragility of the erythrocytes, which are small and spheroidal. It is accompanied by enlargement of the spleen and by jaundice. The hereditary form is also known as familial jaundice" >acholuric jaundice; there is also a rare acquired form. See also hyperbilirubinemia.hemolytic uremic syndrome a form of microangiopathy" >thrombotic microangiopathy with renal failure, hemolytic anemia, and severe thrombocytopenia and purpura, usually seen in children but occurring at any age. Some authorities consider it identical to purpura." >thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

he·mo·lyt·ic u·re·mic syn·drome

[MIM*235400] hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia occurring with acute renal failure; in children, characterized by sudden onset of gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, oliguria, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia; in adults, associated with complications of pregnancy following normal delivery, or associated with oral contraceptive use or with infection; often caused by infection with Escherichia coli.

he·mo·lyt·ic u·re·mic syn·drome

(hē'mō-lit'ik yūr-ē'mik sin'drōm) Combination of hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia that occurs with acute renal failure. In children, characterized by sudden onset of gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, oliguria, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia in association with intestinal infection by Shigella, Salmonella, or Escherichia coli strain O157:H7; in adults, associated with complications of pregnancy following normal delivery, with oral contraceptive use, or with infection.
Synonym(s): haemolytic uremic syndrome.




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