hemolysin unit

he·mol·y·sin u·nit

, hemolytic unitthe smallest quantity (highest dilution) of inactivated immune serum (hemolysin) that will sensitize the standard suspension of erythrocytes so that the standard complement will cause complete hemolysis. Synonym(s): amboceptor unit

he·mol·y·sin u·nit,

hemolytic unit (hē-mol'i-sin yū'nit, hē'mō-lit'ik) The smallest quantity (highest dilution) of inactivated immune serum (hemolysin) that will sensitize the standard suspension of erythrocytes so that the standard complement will cause complete hemolysis.
Synonym(s): haemolysin unit, haemolytic unit.

he·mol·y·sin u·nit

, hemolytic unit (hē-mol'i-sin yū'nit, hē'mō-lit'ik) Smallest quantity (highest dilution) of inactivated immune serum (hemolysin) that will sensitize the standard suspension of erythrocytes so that the standard complement will cause complete hemolysis.
Synonym(s): haemolysin unit, haemolytic unit.