释义 |
hemoglobinophilic he·mo·glo·bi·no·phil·ic (hē'mō-glō'bi-nō-fil'ik), Denoting certain microorganisms that cannot be cultured except in the presence of hemoglobin. [hemoglobin + G. phileō, to love] he·mo·glo·bi·no·phil·ic (hē'mō-glō'bi-nō-fil'ik) Denoting certain microorganisms that cannot be cultured except in the presence of hemoglobin. Synonym(s): haemoglobinophilic. [hemoglobin + G. phileō, to love]hemoglobinophilic (hē″mō-glō-bĭn-ō-fĭl′ĭk) [″ + ″ + Gr. philein, to love] Pert. to organisms that grow better in the presence of hemoglobin. |