Iakhia Guliamov

Guliamov, Iakh’ia Guliamovich


Born Apr. 18 (May 1), 1908, in Tashkent. Soviet historian and archaeologist. Doctor of Historical Sciences (1950) and academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR (1966).

Guliamov’s research was devoted primarily to the ancient history and archaeology of Middle Asia and, in particular, to the history of irrigation in Uzbekistan from ancient times to the present.


Pamiatniki goroda Khivy. Tashkent, 1941.
Istoriia orosheniia Khorezma s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei. Tashkent, 1957.
Pervobytnaia kul’tura i vozniknovenie oroshaemogo zemledeliia v nizov’iakh Zerafshana. Tashkent, 1966. (Coauthored with U. Isla-mov and A. Askarov.)