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hyetography (ˌhaɪɪˈtɒɡrəfɪ) n (Physical Geography) the study of the distribution and recording of rainfall hyetographic, ˌhyetoˈgraphical adj ˌhyetoˈgraphically advhy•e•tog•ra•phy (ˌhaɪ ɪˈtɒg rə fi) n. the study of the annual and geographical distribution of rainfall. [1840–50] hy`e•to•graph′ic (-təˈgræf ɪk) hy`e•to•graph′i•cal, adj. hy`e•to•graph′i•cal•ly, adv. hyetographythe study of the geographical distribution of rainfall by annual totals. — hyetographic, hyetographical, adj.See also: Rain the study of the geographical distribution of rainfall by annual totals. — hyetographic, hyetographical, adj.See also: Climatehyetography
hyetography[‚hī·ə′täg·rə·fē] (climatology) The study of the annual variation and geographic distribution of precipitation. |