

单词 ada



A0074800 (ā′də)n. A programming language, similar to Pascal and developed for the US Department of Defense.
[After Ada Lovelace.]


abbr.1. American Dental Association2. Americans with Disabilities Act


(ˈeɪdə) n (Computer Science) a high-level computer programming language designed for dealing with real-time processing problems: used for military and other systems[C20: named after Ada, Lady Lovelace, the English mathematician, daughter of Lord Byron (1815–52), who worked with Charles Babbage (1792–1871) and whose description of his computing machines preserved them for posterity]


1. American Dental Association. 2. American Diabetes Association 3. Americans for Democratic Action.
Noun1.ADA - an enzyme found in mammals that can catalyze the deamination of adenosine into inosine and ammonia; "ADA deficiency can lead to one form of severe combined immunodeficiency disease"; "the gene encoding ADA was one of the earlier human genes to be isolated and cloned for study"adenosine deaminaseenzyme - any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions



(ā`ə), city (1990 pop. 15,820), seat of Pontotoc co., S central Okla.; inc. 1904. It is a large cattle market and the center of a rich oil and ranch area. The city is also noted for horsebreeding, especially of quarter horses. East Central State Univ. and the Sciences and Natural Resources Center of Oklahoma are there, and the Robert S. Kerr Water Research Center (a federal laboratory) is just to the south.


see programming languageprogramming language,
syntax, grammar, and symbols or words used to give instructions to a computer. Development of Low-Level Languages

All computers operate by following machine language programs, a long sequence of instructions called machine code that is
..... Click the link for more information.


[′ā·də] (computer science) A computer language that was chosen by the United States Department of Defense to support the development of embedded systems, and uses the language Pascal as a base to meet the reliablity and efficiency requirements imposed by these systems.


(ordnance) air-defense artillery

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

A federal law, enacted in 1990, requiring that public accommodations be accessible to those having physical disabilities; this law mandates that existing physical barriers be replaced or modified so there are no impediments to access by the physically disabled. For detailed information, write the US Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, 1801 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20507. See American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard A117.1-1992. Also see Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards and physical disability.


a high-level computer programming language designed for dealing with real-time processing problems: used for military and other systems


(language)(After Ada Lovelace) A Pascal-descendedlanguage, designed by Jean Ichbiah's team at CII Honeywellin 1979, made mandatory for Department of Defense softwareprojects by the Pentagon. The original language wasstandardised as "Ada 83", the latest is "Ada 95".

Ada is a large, complex, block-structured language aimedprimarily at embedded applications. It has facilities forreal-time response, concurrency, hardware access andreliable run-time error handling. In support of large-scalesoftware engineering, it emphasises strong typing, data abstraction and encapsulation. The type system uses name equivalence and includes both subtypes and derived types.Both fixed and floating-point numerical types are supported.

Control flow is fully bracketed: if-then-elsif-end if,case-is-when-end case, loop-exit-end loop, goto. Subprogramparameters are in, out, or inout. Variables imported fromother packages may be hidden or directly visible. Operatorsmay be overloaded and so may enumeration literals. Thereare user-defined exceptions and exception handlers.

An Ada program consists of a set of packages encapsulatingdata objects and their related operations. A package has aseparately compilable body and interface. Ada permitsgeneric packages and subroutines, possibly parametrised.

Ada support single inheritance, using "tagged types" whichare types that can be extended via inheritance.

Ada programming places a heavy emphasis on multitasking.Tasks are synchronised by the rendezvous, in which a taskwaits for one of its subroutines to be executed by another.The conditional entry makes it possible for a task to testwhether an entry is ready. The selective wait waits foreither of two entries or waits for a limited time.

Ada is often criticised, especially for its size andcomplexity, and this is attributed to its having been designedby committee. In fact, both Ada 83 and Ada 95 were designedby small design teams to be internally consistent and tightlyintegrated. By contrast, two possible competitors, Fortran 90 and C++ have both become products designed by large anddisparate volunteer committees.

See also Ada/Ed, Toy/Ada.

Home of the Brave Ada Programmers. Ada FAQs (hypertext), text only.


E-mail: .

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.lang.ada.

An Ada grammar including a lexscanner and yacc parser is available. E-mail:.

Another yacc grammar and parser for Ada by Herman Fischer.

An LR parser and pretty-printer for Ada from NASA isavailable from the Ada Software Repository.

Adamakegen generates makefiles for Ada programs.

["Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language", ANSI/MILSTD 1815A, US DoD (Jan 1983)]. Earlier draft versionsappeared in July 1980 and July 1982. ISO 1987.


A high-level programming language developed by the U.S. Department of Defense along with the European Economic Community and many other organizations. It was designed for embedded applications and process control but is also used for logistics applications. Ada is a Pascal-based language that is very comprehensive.

Named After a Countess
Ada was named after Augusta Ada Byron (1815-1852), Countess of Lovelace and daughter of the poet Lord Byron and mathematician Annabella Milbanke Byron. Ada also became a mathematician and was the colleague of Charles Babbage, who was developing his Analytical Engine. Some of her programming notes for the machine have survived, giving her the distinction of being the first documented programmer in the world.

The following Ada program converts Fahrenheit to Celsius:

 with Text_IO; procedure Convert is package Int_IO is new Text_IO.Integer_IO(Integer); Fahrenheit : Integer; begin Text_IO.Put_Line("Enter Fahrenheit"); Int_IO.Get(Fahrenheit); Text_IO.Put("Celsius is "); Int_IO.Put((Fahrenheit-32) * 5 / 9); Text_IO.New_Line; end Convert;



 American Dental Association; American Diabetes Association; American Dietetics Association.


Abbreviation for adenosine deaminase; American Dental Association; Americans with Disabilities Act.


abbr.1. American Dental Association2. Americans with Disabilities Act


A gene on chromosome 20q13.12 that encodes adenosine deaminase, which catalyses the hydrolytic de-amination of adenosine and 2-deoxyadenosine, thereby playing a key role in purine metabolism and in adenosine homeostasis. ADA modulates signalling by extracellular adenosine, indirectly contributing to cellular signalling events. It upregulates T-cell activity by binding DPP4 and promotes lymphocyte-epithelial cell adhesion.


1. Adenosine deaminase, see there.2. American Dental Association.3. American Diabetes Association.4. Americans with Disabilities Act, see there.


Abbreviation for Americans with Disabilities Act; American Dental Association; American Diabetes Association; American Dialetic Association.

Adenosine deaminase (ADA)

An enzyme that is lacking in a specific type of SCID. Children with an ADA deficiency have low levels of both B and T cells.Mentioned in: Severe Combined Immunodeficiency


Abbreviation for American Dental Association.


Abbreviation for Americans with Disabilities Act.


Americans with Disabilities Act

Legislation in the United States, passed in 1990, that extended civil rights laws to persons who are physically disabled. Among other provisions, it requires facilities to accommodate the disabled insofar as it is possible. Businesses must comply with the Act when they build or expand their buildings. For example, most new commercial buildings with steps are required to provide access for persons who use wheelchairs.


See Americans with Disabilities Act.


ADAAmerican Diabetes Association
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (US)
ADAAmerican Dental Association
ADA[not an acronym] US DoD Standard Computer Software Language named after Lady Ada Augusta Byron
ADAAlcohol and Drug Abuse (various meanings)
ADAAverage Daily Attendance
ADAAir Defense Artillery
ADAAmerican Dietetic Association
ADAAustralian Dental Association
ADAAlternative Distribution Alliance
ADAAssistant District Attorney
ADAAge Discrimination Act of 1975
ADAAudio Design Associates
ADAAdult Development and Aging (various organizations)
ADAAssistant Director of Agriculture (various organizations)
ADAAdenosine Deaminase
ADAAutoimmune Diabetes in Adults
ADAAmericans for Democratic Action
ADAAntique Dealers' Association (various locations)
ADAA Detection Algorithm (Niantic Project)
ADAAssistant Director of Admissions (various schools)
ADAAllowance for Doubtful Accounts (business accounting)
ADAAusbildung der Ausbilder (German)
ADAAutomated Data Analysis
ADAAmici dell'Arte (Italian: Friends of Art)
ADAApple Design Award (computing)
ADAAudio Distribution Amplifier
ADAActive Driving Assist
ADAActive Directory Schema Attributes
ADAAdministration Agent
ADAAeronautical Development Agency (India)
ADAAnti-Deficiency Act (US DoD Regulation 7000)
ADAAqua Design Amano (Niigata, Japan aquarium)
ADAAtlanta Development Authority (Atlanta, GA)
ADAAmerican Dairy Association
ADAAmerican Decency Association
ADAAnti-Deficiency Act
ADAAdipic Acid
ADAArizona Department of Agriculture
ADAA Découvrir Absolument (French: To Discover Absolutely; online music magazine)
ADAAdvanced Data Analysis
ADAAnomalous Diffraction Approximation
ADAAlberta Dental Association
ADAAfghan Development Association
ADAAutomatic Data Acquisition
ADAApplication Development Advisor (magazine; UK)
ADAArgentine Debating Association
ADAAdvisory Area
ADAAnalog/Digital/Analog (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering)
ADAAmerican Dance Awards
ADAAdvanced Digital Audio (filename extension)
ADAApplied Decision Analysis
ADAAmiga Demoscene Archive
ADAAnti-Drug Antibody
ADAAccessibility Development Associates (Pittsburgh, PA)
ADAAnxiety Disorders Alliance
ADAAssociation des Audionautes (French Internet group)
ADAAir Defense Area
ADAAdana, Turkey - Adana (Airport Code)
ADAAthletic Dealers of America (athletic equipment dealers' association)
ADAAfter Date of Award
ADAAircraft Deck Angle
ADAAction for Dysphasic Adults
ADAAssociation of Disability Advocates
ADAAtmospheric Decision Aid
ADAAnnual Diocesan Appeal
ADAAlberta Dressage Association (Canada)
ADAAtomic Development Authority
ADAAirborne Data Automation
ADAAdvanced Decision Architectures (US Army Research Labs)
ADAAcetamidoiminodiacetic Acid
ADAAdd/Drop Amplifier (Pirelli)
ADAAmerican Dance Asylum
ADAAnti-Discrimination Association (Ulster)
ADAAnti-Docking Alliance (UK)
ADAArray Drive Assembly
ADAArbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Angiologie
ADAAustralasian Desalination Association
ADAAll Disclaimers Apply
ADAAncillary Data Access
ADAAlamo Dressage Association
ADAAutomatic Directory Assistance
ADAAffiliated Data Center
ADAActual Date of Arrival
ADAActivity Discard Acknowledgment
ADAAcquisition Decision Authority
ADAAlternate Delay Accumulation
ADAAdult Diabetes Association
ADAApplication Domain Authority
ADAAir Defense Authority
ADAAviation Data and Analysis (system)
ADAAsociación de Derecho Ambiental (Spanish: Environmental Law Association)
ADAAdaptive Diagnosis Algorithm
ADAAlaska Dressage Association, Inc.
ADAAmerican Defense Agency (fictitious organization in novel by Dylan Diggs)
ADAAdvanced Delivery Alert
ADAAlternative Discipline Agreement
ADAAutomatic Delivery Alert
ADAAirdrop Damage Assessment (US DoD)
ADAAlpha Dressage Association (Florida)
ADAArbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Aufbereitungs-Ingenieure (German: Treatment of German Engineers)
ADAAnalysis & Design of Algorithms
ADAAlert Dispersal Area
ADAAngus Dortmans Associates, Inc (Mississauga, ON, Canada)
ADAAgents Draft Authority
ADAAdditional Drill Assemblies
ADAArea Defense Administrator
ADAAnother Darn Acronym
ADAAsymptotic Diophantine Approximation
ADAAsynchronous Device Adapter
ADAAssociation Dauphinoise d'Aquariophilie (French aquarium association)
ADAAssociate Director of Acquisition


  • noun

Synonyms for ADA

noun an enzyme found in mammals that can catalyze the deamination of adenosine into inosine and ammonia


  • adenosine deaminase

Related Words

  • enzyme




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