Acronym | Definition |
FSCI➣First Sumiden Circuits, Inc. (Philippines) |
FSCI➣Foodservice Consultants Society International (trade organization) |
FSCI➣Fiber Switching Capable Interface |
FSCI➣Fédération Suisse des Communautés Israélites (French: Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities) |
FSCI➣Fisher Communications, Inc. (Seattle, WA) |
FSCI➣Florida Surgical Care Initiative |
FSCI➣Fonds de Sécurisation du Crédit Interentreprises (French credit fund) |
FSCI➣Four Seasons Commercial Interiors (Australia) |
FSCI➣Family Stress and Coping Interview (developmental disabilities) |
FSCI➣Functionally Specified, Complex Information (intelligent design) |
FSCI➣Free Standing Coupon Insert (Procter and Gamble) |
FSCI➣Food Safety Consulting International, Inc. (Florida) |