


(full name, Central Committee of the Republic for Political Education). It was part of the People’s Commissariat for Education (Narkompros) of the RSFSR with the rights of a chief administration.

Glavpolitprosvet was established by a decree of the Council of People’s Commissars on Nov. 12, 1920, on the basis of the adult-education department of Narkompros. It united and directed the nationwide network of political education and agitation-propaganda work. Speaking at the First All-Russian Conference of Political Educators in November 1920, V. I. Lenin emphasized that the education of the youth and adults should be coordinated with the policies of the Communist Party. Village reading-rooms, clubs, mass libraries, schools for adults, soviet and party schools, communist universities, and other institutions were under the authority of Glavpolitprosvet. Its permanent chairwoman was N. K. Krupskaia. In June 1930, Glavpolitprosvet was reorganized into the sector for mass work under Narkompros.


Krupskaia, N. K. O kul’turno-prosvetitel’noi rabote: Izbr. stat’i irechi. Moscow, 1965.