gastric inhibitory polypeptide

gas·tric in·hib·i·tor·y pol·y·pep·tide (GIP),

[MIM*137240] a peptide hormone secreted by the stomach; GIP inhibits the secretion of acids and of pepsin and stimulates insulin release as part of the digestive process. Synonym(s): gastric inhibitory peptide

gastric inhibitory polypeptide

GIP, see there.

gas·tric in·hib·i·tor·y pol·y·pep·tide

, gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) (gas'trik in-hib'i-tōr-ē pol'ē-pep'tīd, pep'tīd) A peptide hormone, secreted by the stomach, which stimulates intestinal secretions and insulin release as part of the digestive process; GIP inhibits the secretion of acids and of pepsin.