gastric colic


 [kol´ik] acute paroxysmal abdominal pain. It is particularly common during the first three months of life; the infant has paroxysmal, unexplained crying and may pull up arms and legs, turn red-faced, and expel gas from the anus or belch it up from the stomach. The exact cause of infantile colic is not known but several factors may contribute to it, including excessive swallowing of air, too rapid feeding or overfeeding, parental anxiety, allergy to milk, or other feeding problems. It generally occurs at the same time of day, usually at the busiest period. The parents need sympathetic support and assurance that the condition is not serious and most infants gain weight and are healthy in spite of the colic.biliary colic colic due to passage of gallstones along the bile duct.gastric colic gastrodynia.lead colic colic due to lead poisoning.menstrual colic dysmenorrhea.renal colic intermittent, acute pain beginning in the kidney region and radiating forward and down to the abdomen, genitalia, and legs; the usual cause is calculi in a kidney or ureter. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, and a desire to urinate frequently.

gas·tric col·ic

colicky pain associated with gastritis or peptic ulcer.

gas·tric col·ic

(gastrik kolik) Colicky pain associated with gastritis or peptic ulcer.