

单词 fs



abbr.1. Foreign Service2. Forest Service3. free safety





(file system)file system.


(character)File Separator.


On drawings, abbr. for “Federal Specifications.”



In numismatics, an abbreviation meaning "full steps." It is used to describe five-cent coins on which the complete Jefferson Memorial is clearly visible on the reverse. This is somewhat unusual due to wear and tear and may positively affect the value.


FSFor Sale
FSFlight Simulator
FSForest Service
FSFile System
FSFor Sure
FSFree Safety (football)
FSFree Stuff
FSFree Space (computer disk)
FSFinancial Services
FSFull Suspension (mountain bikes)
FSFull Scale
FSFuture Shop
FSFull Service
FSFull Screen
FSFighter Squadron
FSFull Speed
FSFouls Suffered (soccer)
FSFile Sharing
FSFigure Skating
FSfile server
FSFood Stamps
FSFun Stuff
FSFreestyle (Swimming)
FSFacilities Services
FSFinancial Statement
FSFeasibility Study
FSFire Station
FSFire Suppression
FSFluttershy (fictional character)
FSFrame Size (cattle)
FSFail Safe
FSFirst Stage
FSFlorida Sportsman (magazine)
FSFerrovie dello Stato
FSField Service
FSFolk Song
FSFiring Squad (gaming clan)
FSFinal Score
FSFreeSpace (game)
FSFinancial Solutions (various locations)
FSFast Start (software)
FSFunctional Specification
FSFront Side (skating term)
FSFee Simple
FSFederal Standard
FSFrank Sinatra
FSFinal Settlement
FSFlax Seed
FSFamily Studies (various schools)
FSFirst Strike
FSFalse Start (racing)
FSFire Support
FSFire Science
FSFront Seat
FSFive Stars
FSFrontside (extreme sports)
FSFile Structure
FSFundamentals of Surveying
FSFlow Switch
FSFunction String
FSField Station
FSFaculty Senate (various locations)
FSFlight Safety
FSFisher Scientific
FSFender Stratocaster (guitar)
FSFinger Style (musical instruments)
FSFeature Story
FSField Strength (of radio signal)
FSFar Side
FSFlight System
FSSafety factor
FSFree Surface (hydrodynamics)
FSFuel Surcharge (shipping)
FSFarscape (Sci-Fi TV show)
FSFull Search (algorithm)
FSFirst Service
FSFine Sand
FSFrench Ship (NATO designation)
FSFrequency Shift
FSFour Swords (gaming, The Legend of Zelda)
FSFebrile Seizure (neurology)
FSFinite State
FSField Separator
FSFinancial Secretary
FSFactor of Safety
FSFirst Sergeant
FSFederal-Signal (warning light manufacturer)
FSFile Separator
FSFractional Shortening
FSFormation Skydiving
FSFormal Specification
FSFine Silver
FSFlorida Statute
FSFuture State
FSFantasy Strike (gaming)
FSFloat Switch
FSFeudal System
FSFranz Schubert (classical composer)
FSFat Slob
FSFlight Surgeon
FSForce Structure
FSFlock of Seagulls (band)
FSFrame Synchronization (computing)
FSFlight Speed
FSForged Steel
FSFinish to Start
FSFrame Status
FSField Stop
FSFire Star (CyberGuard firewall model)
FSFunky Stuff
FSFull Sail (college, Florida)
FSFinal Status
FSFine Steel (Everquest gaming reference)
FSFlight Sergeant (non-commissioned officer in HM Royal Air Force)
FSFiling Season
FSFixed Service
FSForce Support
FSFederal Specification
FSFeature Service
FSFixed Satellite
FSFireman Sam (children's character)
FSFrozen Section (diagnostics)
FSFlexible Sigmoidoscopy (medical procedure)
FSFair Scheduler (computing)
FSFinal Submission
FSFinal Speed
FSFixed Station
FSFarm Sanctuary
FSForward Support
FSForeign Subsidiary
FSFlight Spare
FSFrozen Soil
FSFood Service Specialist
FSFund Source
FSFingerstick (blood glucose level)
FSFirebird Suite (Stravinsky)
FSFlipmode Squad (gaming clan)
FSFinish Surface
FSFirst Shirt
FSFreakin' Sweet
FSFleischner Society
FSFrench Southern & Antarctic Lands
FSFinancial Stewardship
FSFraud Squad (police)
FSForce-Sensitive (Star Wars Galaxies - MMORPG)
FSFull Shot
FSFundación Sobrevivientes (Spanish: Survivors Foundation; Guatemala)
FSFore Sight (surveying)
FSFederation Starship (Star Wars)
FSForce Standards
FSFull Synchronization
FSFinancials System (ERP systems)
FSFuselage Station
FSFunctional Service
FSFreaky Styley (Red Hot Chili Peppers album)
FSFlame Strike (gaming)
FSFlare Single-Unit (US DoD)
FSFighter Sector
FSSearch Radius Safety Factor (US DoD)
FSFastServers.Net (web hosting provider; Chicago, IL)
FSField Specimen
FSFinite Scheduling (operations management)
FSFrost Shock (gaming, World of Warcraft Shaman Spell)
FSFractostratus (cloud formation)
FSFelix Schlag (designer of the Jefferson nickel; initials on obverse)
FSFriendly Status
FSSulphur Trioxide in Chlorosulfonic Acid
FSFlagship Suite (American Airlines)
FSFaithful Spouse
FSFleet Surgeon
FSFarmland Security
FSFixed Scenario
FSFrame Station
FSFan, Supply
FSFurnace Soldering
FSFalse Smut
FSForward Shell
FSFollow Ship
FSFireman's Switch
FSForce Stabilization
FSForces of Solidarity (Star Wars gaming clan)
FSFlexible Sustainment
FSSignal Framing Bits
FSFunctional Sponsor
FSFocus Subassembly
FSFallsaver (fall prevention device)
FSFivaz/Stanton Guide (numismatic publication)
FSFonds of Solidarite




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