Fréville, Jean
Fréville, Jean
Born May 25, 1898; died June 23, 1971, in Paris. French writer and historian. Member of the French Communist Party from 1927. Doctor of laws; doctor of economics.
Fréville translated works by prominent Marxist theorists into French and compiled collections of their writings on literature, art, and the role of women in communist society; an example was Woman and Communism (1950). His first novel, Heavy Bread (1937; Russian translation, 1959), dealt with the strike movement, and the novel The Hungry Port (1939) was devoted to French sailors. Fréville also wrote the collection of short stories The Collaborationists (1946) and the novel Free Wind (1950), a work that realistically depicted the life and postwar problems of French patriots. Fréville’s historical and publicist works included With Maurice Torez (1950; translated in Russian as Maurice Torez, 1961), The Night Ends in Tours (1950; translated in Russian as The Birth of the French Communist Party: Congress in Tours, 1951), Zola, Sower of Storms (1952), and Lenin in Paris (1968; Russian translation, 1969).
In Russian translation:“Sviataia nadezhda.” In la pishu tvoe imia, Svoboda. [Moscow, 1968.]
Bez grosha. Moscow, 1973.
“Obzhalovaniiu ne podlezhit.” In S Frantsiei v serdtse. Moscow, 1973.
Zak, L. M. “Pamiati Zh. Frevilia.” Voprosy istorii KPSS, 1971, no. 11.“Jean Fréville n’est plus.” Cahiers de l’lnstitut Maurice Thorez, 1971, no.23.