Gas Regulator Point
Gas Regulator Point
a system of devices for automatically lowering and maintaining a constant gas pressure in gas distribution pipelines. A gas regulator point consists of a pressure regulator for maintaining gas pressure, a filter for collecting mechanical impurities, safety valves that prevent the entry of gas into the gas distribution pipelines during an emergency when the gas pressure rises above the maximum permissible limits, and telemetric testing and measuring instruments for recording the amount, pressure, and temperature of the gas flowing by. Gas regulator points are installed in municipal gas-distribution pipelines and in the vicinity of industrial and municipal-utility enterprises having a branching network of gas pipelines. Gas regulator points installed directly with the consumers and designed for supplying gas to boilers, stoves, and other units are usually called gas regulator installations. Depending on the inlet gas pressure, gas regulator points are usually of the medium-pressure type (0.05 to 3 kilograms-force per sq cm; 1 kilogram-force per sq m = 0.1 meganewtons per sq m) and the high-pressure type (up to 12 kilograms-force per sq cm).