General Butler State Resort Park

General Butler State Resort Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Kentucky
Location:44 miles northeast of Louisville, off I-71.
Facilities:53-room lodge, 24 cottages, 176-seat dining room, swimming pool (for lodge and cottage guestsonly), conference center, 111 campsites with utilityhookups, showers, restrooms, and laundry facilities, boat dock, boatrentals (pedal boats, canoes, rowboats, surfbikes), public beach,9-hole regulation golf course with pro shop, miniature golf course,picnic area, shelter, playground, tennis and basketball courts, scenic overlook,trails, historic home, gift shop.
Activities:Camping, fishing, boating, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, tennis,golf, recreational and interpretive programs, special events.
Special Features:Park is situated at the confluence of the Ohio and Kentucky rivers. Itis named for General William Orlando Butler, whose family's militaryfame spans from colonial times through the American Revolution, the Warof 1812, the Mexican War, and the Civil War. Built in 1859, theButler-Turpin house displays the family's 18th and 19th centuryheirlooms.
Address:1608 Highway 227
Carrollton, KY 41008

Size: 791 acres land; 30 acres water.

See other parks in Kentucky.