Acronym | Definition |
FRS➣Family Radio Service (US citizens band personal radio service) |
FRS➣Fisheries Research Services (Aberdeen, Scotland) |
FRS➣Financial Reporting Standard (UK Accounting Standards Board) |
FRS➣Florida Retirement System |
FRS➣Female Reproductive System |
FRS➣Forum des Républicains Sociaux (French: Forum of Social Republicans) |
FRS➣File Replication Service (Microsoft Windows) |
FRS➣Fellow of the Royal Society |
FRS➣Fire and Rescue Service |
FRS➣Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (French: Foundation for Strategic Research) |
FRS➣Federal Relay Service |
FRS➣Facility Registry System (EPA) |
FRS➣Federal Reserve System |
FRS➣Functional Requirements Specification |
FRS➣Fonds de Réaménagement du Spectre (French: Redevelopment Fund Spectrum) |
FRS➣Foundation for Rural Service |
FRS➣Frame Relay Service |
FRS➣Facial Recognition System |
FRS➣Family Radio Service |
FRS➣Facility Registry System |
FRS➣Font Resource |
FRS➣File Replication System |
FRS➣File Replication Service |
FRS➣Frame Rate Scheduler |
FRS➣Financial Reporting System |
FRS➣Fleet Replacement Squadron |
FRS➣Financial Risk Solutions (various locations) |
FRS➣Flat Rate Scheme (UK) |
FRS➣Free Radical Scavenger (energy beverage) |
FRS➣Faculty Research Seminar (various locations) |
FRS➣Frontier Research System (est. 1986; Japan) |
FRS➣Functional Rating Scale |
FRS➣Frame Relay Switch (Sprint) |
FRS➣Fire Research Station (UK) |
FRS➣Forward Repair System (US Army) |
FRS➣WordPerfect Graphics Driver (file name extension) |
FRS➣Fleet Readiness Squadron |
FRS➣Family Reconciliation Services |
FRS➣Financial & Retail Services |
FRS➣Face-Recognition Software |
FRS➣Fisher-Rosemount Systems (various locations) |
FRS➣Freely Redistributable Software |
FRS➣First Responder Service (LeadsOnline) |
FRS➣Flores, Guatemala - Flores (Airport Code) |
FRS➣Firefighters' Retirement System |
FRS➣Flexible Route Selection |
FRS➣Filtered Rayleigh Scattering |
FRS➣Figure Rating Scale |
FRS➣Formal Reporting System |
FRS➣Forum of Social Republicans (now Christian Democratic Party; France) |
FRS➣Fund Raising System (software) |
FRS➣Foundation Routing and Switching (Cisco) |
FRS➣Federal Response Subcommittee (US FEMA) |
FRS➣Force Républicaine de Sécurité (French: Republican Security Force; Madagascar) |
FRS➣Florida Red Scale (house plants) |
FRS➣Facility Record Sheet |
FRS➣Force Retaliation Squad (gaming clan) |
FRS➣Fax Recovery Systems, Inc |
FRS➣Ffestiniog Railway Society (Harbour Station, Porthmadog, Gwynedd, United Kingdom) |
FRS➣Frame Knowledge Representation System |
FRS➣Fluid Routing Solutions, Inc. |
FRS➣Forward Recoil Scattering |
FRS➣Feedback Research Services |
FRS➣Fault Repair Signal |
FRS➣Fundamental Reference System (ITU-T) |
FRS➣First Repository States |
FRS➣Functional Requirements Summary |
FRS➣Fleet Repair Service |
FRS➣Focus Rallye Sport |
FRS➣First return stroke |
FRS➣Forward Repair Ship |
FRS➣Failure Reporting System |
FRS➣Financial Recovery Service, Inc. |
FRS➣Factory Required Service |
FRS➣FOMIS Requirements Statement |
FRS➣Fully Responsive System |
FRS➣Family Rating Scale |