FWIFour Winds Interactive (Denver, CO)
FWIFire Weather Index
FWIFrench West Indies
FWIFarmers Weekly Interactive
FWIFixed Wireless Interface
FWIFacil Web Interface
FWIFamilies and Work Institute
FWIForest Fire Weather Index
FWIFinancial Women International
FWIFreightwatch International (Austin, TX)
FWIFreshwater Institute (Shepherdstown, WV, USA)
FWIFacebooking while Intoxicated (social media)
FWIFlying While Intoxicated
FWIFaculty Workstation Initiative (various schools)
FWIFenderwell Intake (auto tuning)
FWIField Work Instructor (various schools)
FWIFossilized Walrus Ivory
FWIFramework-I (UK social services casework management system/database)
FWIFraudWatch International (internet security company; est. 2003)
FWIFlash with Info
FWIFoster Wheeler Italiana SpA
FWIFluvial Water Influx
FWIFort Waste Industries (custom art design; Fort Wayne, IN)
FWIFleet Weapons Integration (usually appears in conjunctions with AIP)
FWIFloating While Intoxicated