Gonçeives de Magalhaes, Domingos José

Gonçeives de Magalhāes, Domingos José


Born Aug. 13, 1811, in Rio de Janeiro; died June 10, 1882, in Rome. Brazilian poet, dramatist, and philosopher.

Gonçalves de Magalhāes edited the magazine Niterói (1836), which championed romanticism. The collection of his melancholy religious and lyric verse, Poetic Sighs and Longings (1836), launched romanticist poetry; its preface became the manifesto of Brazilian romanticism. He is the author of the tragedy Antônio José, or The Poet and the Inquisition (staged in 1838, published in 1839) and of a heroic epic drawn from the life of the Indians, The Alliance of the Tamoios Tribes (1856). The collection Mysteries and Dirges (1858) and the philosophical work Data on the Human Spirit (1858) show the influence of spiritualism.


Obras completas, vols. 1–9. Rio de Janeiro, 1864–76.


Castello, J. A. Gonçalves de Magalhāes. Sao Paulo, 1946.