Glasson, Ernest

Glasson, Ernest


Born 1839 in Noyon; died 1907 in Paris. French legal historian; member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (1881).

Glasson was the author of a number of works on the history of law and the institutions of France and England. He was an advocate of the communal theory, which he substantiated with material from the history of France. In the 1880’s and 1890’s, Glasson criticized Fustel de Coulanges, who denied the existence of communal ownership of land in the early Middle Ages.


Les Communaux et le domaine rural à l’époque franque. Paris, 1890.
Histoire du droit et des institutions de la France, vols. 1-8. Paris, 1887-1903.
Le Parlement de Paris. … vols. 1-2. Paris, 1901.