aphonic speech


(spech) 1. The oral expression of one's thoughts.2. The utterance of articulate words or sounds.3. The words spoken for communication.

alaryngeal speech

Any of several methods of speech used by patients who have had their larynx removed. These methods include esophageal speech, tracheoesophageal puncture, or speech enhanced by an electrolarynx.

aphonic speech

Whispered speech. See: aphonia

ataxic speech

Defective speech due to muscular incoordination, usually the result of cerebellar disorder.

clipped speech

Scamping speech.

cued speech

Communicating using both lip reading and manual gestures made near the mouth. It is used to help the hearing impaired to clarify the difference between words that are otherwise easily misinterpreted during speech reading.

echo speech


esophageal speech

In those who have had laryngectomies, the modulation by the pharynx, mouth, and tongue of air expelled from the esophagus to produce speech.

explosive speech

Sudden, loud speech.

external speech

Expression of thought by spoken or written words, and the understanding of spoken or written words of others. Synonym: exophasia

helium speech

The altered voice produced by inhaling helium and then speaking as the helium is exhaled. The very low density of the helium causes the alteration. The intelligibility of helium speech is important, esp. to deep-water divers who transmit and unscramble oral information using helium as a speech-enhancement medium.

inner speech

The silent process of thought and production of unuttered words. This function is essential to thinking that is done with words. Synonym: endophasia

interjectional speech

Speech into which gestures, ejaculatory sounds, and other nonverbal mannerisms are introduced.

mirror speech

Speech characterized by reversing the order of syllables of a word.

nasal speech

Speech in which air from the oropharynx enters the nasopharynx, usually resulting in abnormal resonance. Emission of air through the nose, weak pressure in articulating consonants, and attempts by the patient to stifle the abnormally spoken air column are also characteristic.

paraphasic speech

See: paraphasia

scamping speech

Speech characterized by omission of consonants or syllables when the person is unable to pronounce them. Synonym: clipped speech

scanning speech

The pronunciation of words in syllables, or slowly and hesitatingly. Pauses between the syllables result in staccato-like speech. It is a symptom of certain diseases of the cerebellum and advanced multiple sclerosis. Synonym: staccato speech

slurring speech

Slovenly articulation of sounds difficult to pronounce.

staccato speech

Scanning speech.

telegraphic speech

Nonfluent or halting speech, in which some nouns or verbs are uttered but other elements of normal sentence structure are replaced by pauses or gaps. This type of aphasia is a hallmark of Broca aphasia.