Frost, Andrei Vladimirovich

Frost, Andrei Vladimirovich


Born Sept. 8 (21), 1906, in Orel; died Aug. 4, 1952, in Baku. Soviet physical chemist.

Frost graduated from Moscow State University in 1927. Beginning in 1928, he conducted research and taught in Leningrad, where he became a professor in 1940. From 1941 he worked in Moscow at the Institute of Fuel Resources and the Institute of Petroleum of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He also taught at Moscow State University, where he became head of the subdepartment of physical chemistry in 1942.

Frost’s main works are devoted to the thermodynamics and kinetics of thermal and catalytic conversions of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds, to the thermodynamics and kinetics of petroleum-refining processes, and to statistical methods of calculating chemical equilibria. His research was closely tied to industry. In particular, Frost discovered and thoroughly studied the reaction by which hydrogen is redistributed in hydrocarbons along aluminosilicate catalysts, which is very important for the refining of gasolines by catalytic cracking.

Frost was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and several medals.


Trudy po kinetike i katalizu. Moscow, 1956.


Gerasimov, la. I. “A. V. Frost.” Uspekhi khimii, 1952, vol. 21, issue 10. (References.)