释义 |
Gerdy fibers su·per·fi·cial trans·verse met·a·car·pal lig·a·ment [TA] a thickening of the deep fascia in the most distal part (base) of the triangular palmar aponeurosis. Synonym(s): ligamentum metacarpale transversum superficiale [TA], Gerdy fibers, ligamentum natatoriumGerdy fibersThe superficial transverse ligament of the palm. See also: Gerdy, Pierre NicholasGerdy, Pierre N., French surgeon, 1797-1856. Gerdy fibers - a thickening of the deep fascia in the most distal part of the base of the triangular palmar aponeurosis. Synonym(s): superficial transverse metacarpal ligamentGerdy fontanel - an occasional fontanel-like defect in the sagittal suture in the newborn. Synonym(s): sagittal fontanelGerdy hyoid fossa - a space that contains the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. Synonym(s): carotid triangleGerdy interatrial loop - a muscular fasciculus in the interatrial septum of the heart, passing backward from the atrioventricular groove.Gerdy ligament - the continuation of the clavipectoral fascia downward to attach to the axillary fascia. Synonym(s): suspensory ligament of axillaGerdy tubercle - a tubercle on the lateral side of the upper end of the tibia giving attachment to the iliotibial tract and some fibers of the tibialis anterior muscle. |