

单词 gender role

gender role

gender role

the social expectations arising from conceptions surrounding GENDER and the behavioural expression of these, including forms of speech, mannerisms, demeanour, dress and gesture (see also GENDER IDENTITY). Masculine and feminine ideas are often deemed to be mutually exclusive, and in some societies the role behaviours may be polarized, e.g. the equation of passivity with the feminine role, and activity with the masculine role. Prescriptions concerning gender role behaviour are particularly apparent in the sexual division of labour in male and female work situations (see also DUAL LABOUR MARKET).

gender role


 [rōl] a pattern of behavior developed in response to the demands or expectations of others; the pattern of responses to the persons with whom an individual interacts in a particular situation.caregiver role the functions performed by a caregiver" >caregiver; see also under fatigue and strain.gender role the public expression of gender; the image projected by a person that identifies their maleness or femaleness, which need not correspond to their identity" >gender identity.impaired role the role played by a person who is disabled or chronically ill and who is experiencing a state of wellness and realization of potential commensurate with the condition. Unlike the sick person, the impaired person cannot be expected to “want to get well” but is expected to resume as much normal behavior as is possible.sick role the role played by a person who has defined himself or herself as ill, with or without validation of the role by health care providers or family members. Adoption of the sick role changes the behavioral expectations of others toward sick persons. They are exempted from normal social responsibilities and not held responsible for the condition; they are obliged to “want to get well” and to seek competent medical help. The sick role also involves behavioral changes, including increased attention to the body and bodily functions, regression (increase in dependent behavior), narrowing of interests, and emotional overreactions.

gen·der role

the public presentation of gender identity; specifically, everything a person says and does that signals to others or to the self that one is male or female (or androgynous). See: sex role, gender identity.

gender role

Sexology The private experience of gender role–GR which is, in turn, the public manifestation of gender identity–GI–a person's individuality as ♂, ♀, or ambivalent, especially re self-awareness, behavior, sexuoerotic arousal & response

gen·der role

(jen'dĕr rōl) The sex of a child assigned by a parent; when opposite to the child's anatomic sex (e.g., due to genital ambiguity at birth or to the parents' strong wish for a child of the opposite sex), the basis is formed for postpubertal dysfunctions.
See: sex role, sex reversal

gender role

All behaviour that conveys to others, consciously or otherwise, a person's GENDER IDENTITY as male or female.

gender role

  • noun

Words related to gender role

noun the overt expression of attitudes that indicate to others the degree of your maleness or femaleness

Related Words

  • role




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