Acronym | Definition |
FvF➣Freunde von Freunden (German: Friends of Friends; international interview magazine) |
FvF➣Film/Video Festival (various locations) |
FvF➣Final Value Fee (eBay auctions fee - based on a percent of the final selling price) |
FvF➣Fractal Video Frame |
FvF➣Final Value Fee |
FvF➣Flexible Vertex Format |
FvF➣Federación Venezolana de Fútbol (Venezuelan Football Federation) |
FvF➣Federatie voor Verzekerings- en Financiële (French: Insurance and Financial Federation; Belgium) |
FvF➣Flexible Vertex Format (programming) |
FvF➣Formation Volume Factor (oil & gas risk management) |
FvF➣Future Vs. Fantasy (Quake modification) |
FvF➣Faction Vs Faction (gaming) |
FvF➣Falklands Veterans Foundation (UK) |
FvF➣Franklinville Volunteer Fire Department |
FvF➣Full Virginia Flake (tobacco) |
FvF➣Fiber Volume Fraction (composite material) |
FvF➣Farmville Freak (gaming) |
FvF➣Flexible Vertex Flags (DirectX) |
FvF➣Farmville Feed (gaming) |