Golenkin, Fedor Ilich

Golenkin, Fedor Il’ich


Born Jan. 24 (Feb. 5), 1871, in St. Petersburg; died Aug. 8. 1936, in Leningrad. Soviet military engineer.

Golenkin graduated from the Nikolai Engineering School in 1893 and the Nikolai Engineering Academy in 1899. At the latter he became a teacher in 1901 and a professor extraordinary in 1909. He served in World War I (1914–18) as a major general. In January 1918 he volunteered for the Red Army, and from March through June 1918 he was the first head of the Military Engineering Academy (now the V. V. Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy); he also headed the academy from December 1918 through August 1923. Subsequently he served as senior director of the academy. During the Civil War he helped direct the construction of fortifications below Petrograd and in Kronstadt. Golenkin dealt mainly with the problems of field and permanent fortifications and made a great contribution to the development of Soviet military engineering.


Zametki po polevoi fortifikatsii, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1907.
Bronevye ustanovki. St. Petersburg. 1910.
Dolgovremennaia fortifikatsiia. St. Petersburg, 1912.
Sovremennoe sostoianie dolgovremennoi i vremennoi fortifikatsii. St. Petersburg. 1913. (With N. Buinitskii and V. Iakovlev.)
Podgotovka gosudarstva k oborone v inzhenerno-tekhnkheskom otnoshenii. Petrograd, 1920.