Geratsi, Mkhitar

Geratsi, Mkhitar


Lived from the middle of the 12th to the beginning of the 13th century. Armenian classicist of medieval medicine.

Geratsi was well acquainted with the works of Greek, Arabian, and Persian physicians. A scientist with a rational world outlook, he avoided abstract judgments that were not substantiated by clinical practice. He supported the theory that was subsequently known as humoral pathology. Among his known works are On Rocks and Their Therapeutic Properties, Anatomy of the Eye, and a fragment from a work on eye diseases. In the year 1969 the 850th anniversary of Gerat-si’s birth was celebrated.


Uteshenie pri likhoradkakh, 2nd ed. Yerevan, 1968. (Translated from Armenian.)


Melik-Parsadanian, Kh. Mkhitar Geratsi(Vrach XII veka). Yerevan, 1941.
Ktsoian. A. S. Mkhitar Geratsi—vrach XII veka. Yerevan. 1968. (Translated from Armenian.)