gas bacillus

Clos·trid·i·um per·frin·'gens

a bacterial species that is the chief causative agent of gas gangrene in humans and a cause of gas gangrene in other animals, especially sheep; it may also be involved in causing enteritis, appendicitis, and puerperal fever; it is one of the most common causes of food poisoning in the U. S. This organism is found in soil, water, milk, dust, sewage, and the intestinal tract of humans and other animals. Synonym(s): Clostridium welchii, gas bacillus, Welch bacillus

Clos·trid·i·um per·frin·gens

(klos-trid'ē-ŭm pĕr-frin'jenz) A bacterial species that causes gas gangrene; it also may be involved in causing enteritis, appendicitis, and puerperal fever. It is one of the most common causes of food poisoning in the U.S.
Synonym(s): gas bacillus, Welch bacillus.


(ba-sil'us) (ba-sil'i?, e?) plural.bacilli [L. bacillus, diminutive of baculum, a staff, walking stick] 1. A rod-shaped microorganism. 2. A rod-shaped microorganism belonging to the class Schizomycetes. See: Bacillus; bacterium

acid-fast bacillus

Abbreviation: AFB
A bacillus not readily decolorized by acids or other means when stained. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an acid-fast bacillus.

Friedländer bacillus

See: Friedländer, Carl

gas bacillus

See: Clostridium perfringens

Hansen bacillus

See: Hansen bacillus

Koch bacillus

See: Koch, Heinrich Herman Robert

Loeffler bacillus

See: Loeffler bacillus

Pfeiffer bacillus

See: Pfeiffer, Richard F.

Shiga bacillus

See: Shiga, Kiyoshi

Welch bacillus

See: Welch bacillus