释义 |
gingivosis gingivosis [jin″jĭ-vo´sis] a chronic, diffuse inflammation of the gums, with desquamation of the papillary epithelium and mucous membrane.chron·ic des·qua·ma·tive gin·gi·vi·tisa clinical term for a gingival condition of unknown etiology, usually encountered in middle-aged and older women, characterized by erythema, mucosal atrophy, and desquamation, and usually accompanied by a burning sensation and pain; diagnosis is usually made by biopsy and direct immunofluorescence. Synonym(s): gingivosischron·ic des·qua·ma·tive gin·gi·vi·tis (kron'ik des-kwahm'ă-tiv jin'ji-vī'tis) A gingival condition of unknown etiology in middle-aged and older women, characterized by erythema, mucosal atrophy, and desquamation, and usually accompanied by a burning sensation and pain; diagnosis is usually made by biopsy and direct immunofluorescence. Synonym(s): gingivosis. chron·ic des·qua·ma·tive gin·gi·vi·tis (kron'ik des-kwahm'ă-tiv jin'ji-vī'tis) Clinical term for gingival condition of unknown etiology, usually encountered in middle-aged and older women, characterized by erythema, mucosal atrophy, and desquamation, and generally accompanied by a burning sensation and pain; diagnosis is usually made by biopsy and direct immunofluorescence. Synonym(s): gingivosis. |