释义 |
gingivoplasty gingivoplasty [jin´jĭ-vo-plas″te] surgical remodeling of the gingiva.gin·gi·vo·plas·ty (jin'ji-vō-plas'tē), A surgical procedure that reshapes and recontours the gingival tissue to attain esthetic, physiologic, and functional form.gingivoplasty (jĭn′jə-vō-plăs′tē)n. The surgical reshaping and recontouring of gum tissue for cosmetic, physiological, or functional purposes.gin·gi·vo·plas·ty (jin'ji-vō-plas-tē) A surgical procedure that reshapes and recontours the gingival tissue to attain esthetic, physiologic, and functional form. gin·gi·vo·plas·ty (jin'ji-vō-plas-tē) Surgical procedure that reshapes gingival tissue to attain esthetic and physiologic form. |