Bandopadhaya, Tarasankar
Bandopadhaya, Tarasankar
Born July 23, 1898, in the village of Lobpur in the Birbhum district. Indian author and social figure.
Bandopadhaya writes in the Bengali language. He was born into the family of a modest landowner. His work reflects the influence of Gandhian ideas of nonviolent resistance. The subjects for a series of his early stories are taken from the life of the Santal and other tribes. Bandopadhaya’s first novel, Rai-kamala (1935), depicts the frightening destiny of Vishnuite beggars. In the novels that brought Bandopadhaya fame (including The Land is God, 1939; The People Are God, 1942; and Five Villages, 1944), the author describes the life of landowners and peasants. For his novel The Sanatorium (1952) Bandopadhaya was awarded the R. Tagore Prize (1954) and the prize of the Literary Academy (1956). He has written several plays, including The Pair (1942). Bandopadhaya was a participant in the Tashkent Conference of Asian and African Writers (1958).