Garni Preserve

Garni Preserve


a preserve located in the Armenian SSR, near the town of Bol’shie Vedi. Created in 1958 for the preservation of the natural mountain formations of southern Armenia. Area, 21,100 hectares.

The Garni Preserve contains two sections: the Khosrov (Garni) forest (in the southwestern spurs of the Gegam Range) and the Urts nonforest area (in the Urts Range). The dominant tree types are eastern oak, juniper, ash, and pear. The dominant trees at the upper timberline (2,000-2,300 m above sea level) are the birch and rowan trees. Bushes include the spirea, almond, cotoneaster, and dog rose. Rare animals are encountered, including the mouflon, wild goat, and leopard. There are many reptiles, among them the Levantine viper. The ruins of ancient fortifications can be found on the territory of the Garni Preserve; Garni and Gegard, monuments of Armenian architecture, can be found nearby.