

单词 frn
释义 DictionarySeefloating-rate note



See: Floating-rate note

Floating-Rate Note

A bond with a variable interest rate. These bonds typically have coupons renewable every three months and pay according to a set calculation. For example, a note may have an interest rate of "EURIBOR + 1%" and pay whatever the EURIBOR rate happens to be at the time plus 1%. Some FRNs have maximum and minimum interest rates, known as capped FRNs and floored FRNs, respectively. An FRN with both a maximum and a minimum interest rate is called a collared FRN. In the United States, government sponsored enterprises issue most FRNs while banks do the same in Europe. See also: Adjustable-rate mortgage.


FRNFCC Registration Number
FRNFEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Radio Network
FRNFugitive Recovery Network (bail bonds)
FRNFonds de Roulement Net (French: Net Working Capital)
FRNFree Radio Network
FRNFloating Rate Note
FRNFederal Register Notice
FRNFederal Reserve Note
FRNFile Reference Number (computing)
FRNFrame Relay Network
FRNFirstNation Airways (Nigeria)
FRNFloriana (postal locality, Malta)
FRNFamily Resource Network (Brookings, SD)
FRNFiberglass Reinforced Nylon
FRNFederal Republic of Nigeria
FRNFederal Relations Network (National School Boards Association)
FRNSwedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research
FRNFederal Registration Number
FRNFront Révolutionnaire National (French: National Revolutionary Front)
FRNFull Range Naphtha (petroleum)
FRNFinal Rulemaking Notice
FRNForce Requirement Number
FRNForum pour La Redressement National (Comoros)
FRNFSA (Financial Services Authority) Registration Number (UK)
FRNFédération des Réflexologues Normands (French reflexology federation)
FRNFunding Resource Number
FRNFederal Reserve Number
FRNFraction of Residential Power Supplied by Nuclear (Carolina Environmental Program)
FRNFamily Restoration Network, Inc. (Dallas, TX)




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