释义 |
Gardnerella [gahrd″ner-el´ah] a genus of gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria having one species, G. vagina´lis (formerly called Haemophilus vaginalis). It is found in the normal female genital tract and is the causative organism for nonspecific vaginitis. Gardnerella infection is one of the most common and most contagious of the sexually transmitted diseases and is thought to be in association with infections by anaerobic organisms. The major symptom is increased vaginal discharge that is thin and gray, has a fishy odor, and has a pH between 5 and 5.5. There usually is no itching or sign of mucosal irritation since the organism does not invade the vaginal mucosa; if such symptoms do occur, it suggests that a concomitant infection is present. Treatment is with metronidazole (Flagyl). The sexual partner should be treated concurrently if reinfection is to be avoided.Gardnerella (gărd'nĕr-el'ă), A genus of facultatively anaerobic, oxidase- and catalase-negative, non-spore-forming, nonencapsulated, nonmotile, pleomorphic bacteria with gram-variable rods.Gard·ner·el·la (gahrd-nĕr-el'ă) A genus of facultatively anaerobic, oxidase- and catalase-negative, non-spore-forming, nonencapsulated, nonmotile, pleomorphic bacteria with gram-variable rods. |