Acronym | Definition |
GEI➣Gases de Efecto Invernadero |
GEI➣Group Emotional Intelligence |
GEI➣Gender Equity Index |
GEI➣Gene-Environment Interaction |
GEI➣General Education Intervention |
GEI➣Gigabit Ethernet Interface (router) |
GEI➣Global Environmental Institute (China) |
GEI➣Grup Especial d'Intervenció (Spanish: Special Forces of the Catalan Police) |
GEI➣Gesellschaft für Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung |
GEI➣Global Effects Integration (US DoD) |
GEI➣Genetically Engineered Ingredients |
GEI➣Geographic Enforcement Initiative |
GEI➣Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Coordinate System |
GEI➣Gross Emitter Identification |
GEI➣Ground Environmental Instrumentation |
GEI➣Government Electrical Inspectorate (Jamaica) |
GEI➣Gene, Environment and Health Initiative |
GEI➣Geothermal Energy Institute |