Gold Discovery Days

Gold Discovery Days

Third weekend in JulyThis five-day festival celebrates the beauty of the Black Hills and the discovery of gold on July 27, 1874, near the present-day city of Custer, South Dakota. The scientific expedition led by General George Custer confirmed the growing speculation about gold in the area and opened the way for a steady influx of eager prospectors. The festival includes a street fair, hot air balloon rally, golf tournament, and musical productions. But the highlight of the event is the Paha Sapa Pageant which recreates this important era in South Dakota's history.
Part one of the pageant depicts the Paha Sapa, or sacred land of the Sioux Indians. Part two portrays the lure of gold and the coming of Custer's expedition. In part three the Sioux display their rich cultural heritage by performing ancient ceremonial dances. At the end of the pageant, the entire cast—many of whom have participated since they were children—reappear in special costumes to create a "living flag" of the United States.
Custer Chamber of Commerce
615 Washington St.
P.O. Box 5018
Custer, SD 57730
800-992-9818 or 605-673-2244; fax: 605-673-3726