gingival fibromatosis


 [fi″bro-mah-to´sis] 1. the presence of multiple fibromas.2. the formation of a fibrous tumorlike nodule arising from the deep fascia, with a tendency to local recurrence.fibromatosis gingi´vae (gingival fibromatosis) a noninflammatory fibrous hyperplasia of the gingivae and palate, manifested as a dense, smooth, or nodular overgrowth of the tissues. It is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, but some cases are idiopathic and others are produced by drugs.palmar fibromatosis fibromatosis involving the palmar fascia, and resulting in Dupuytren's contracture.plantar fibromatosis fibromatosis involving the plantar fascia manifested as single or multiple nodular swellings, sometimes accompanied by pain but usually unassociated with contractures.

gin·gi·val fi·bro·ma·to·sis

fibromatosis that may be associated with trichodiscomas. Several genetic forms are known, all autosomal dominant [MIM*135300, *135400, *135500, *135550].

gin·gi·val fib·ro·ma·to·sis

(jinji-văl fībrō-mă-tōsis) Disorder that may be associated with trichodiscomas.

gin·gi·val fib·ro·ma·to·sis

(jinji-văl fībrō-mă-tōsis) Fibromatosis that may be associated with trichodiscomas. Several genetic forms are known.