Georgi Mikhalev Raichev

Raichev, Georgi Mikhalev


Born Dec. 7, 1882, in Top-rak Khisar (Zemlen), in Stara Zagora District; died Feb. 18, 1947, in Sofia. Bulgarian writer.

Raichev began publishing in 1907. His early works, including Tsaritsa Neranza (written 1910, published 1920), are influenced by naturalism. After World War I (1914–18), Raichev attempted to depict concretely and realistically the inner life of the average person oppressed by social injustice, as seen in Little World (1919), Sin (1921), and Lina (1922). He also wrote the collections Song of the Forest (1928) and A Legend About Money (1931). In his best works, Raichev adhered to the tenets of realism and advocated humanism and close ties with the people.


Suchineniia, vols. 1–2. Sofia, 1968.
In Russian translation:
Malen’kii mir: Povesti i rasskazy. [Introductory article by V. Andreev.] Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.


Konstantinova, E. Georgi Raichev. Sofia, 1970.