Georgii Selianinov

Selianinov, Georgii Timofeevich


Born Feb. 28 (Mar. 12), 1887, in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk, now Zarasai, Lithuanian SSR; died Sept. 12, 1966, in Leningrad. Soviet cli-matologist and founder of the school of Soviet agroclimatolo-gists and microclimatologists.

Selianinov graduated from the physics and mathematics faculty of the University of St. Petersburg in 1913. From 1915 he worked at the Sochi Experiment Station. He subsequently worked in Leningrad—in the Institute of Experimental Agronomy from 1928, in the Main Geophysical Observatory from 1932, and in the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing from 1938. He conducted research on climatic conditions and their effect on agricultural specialization, elucidated the proper geographic locations for subtropical crops in the USSR, compiled a world agroclimatic reference book (1937), and introduced into agroclimatological practice several indexes, including the hydrothermal coefficient, and methods for mapping microclimate. Selianinov was awarded the Order of Lenin and various medals.


“Metodika sel’skokhoziaistvennoi kharakteristiki klimata.” In Mirovoi agro-klimaticheskii spravochnik. Leningrad-Moscow, 1937.
Perspektivy razvitiia subtropicheskogo khoziaistva v SSSR v sviazi s prirodnymi usloviiami. Leningrad, 1961.
Agroklimaticheskaia karta mira. Leningrad, 1966.


Gol’tsberg, I. A. “Georgii Timofeevich Selianinov.” Meteorologiia i gidrologiia, 1967, no. 1.