Georgii Nikolskii

Nikol’skii, Georgii Vasil’evich


Born Apr. 23 (May 6), 1910, in Moscow; died there Feb. 2, 1977. Soviet zoologist and ichthyologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953).

In 1930, Nikol’skii graduated from Moscow State University. He began working there in 1932, becoming a professor in 1940. He was made head of the university’s subdepartment of ichthyology in 1941. In 1956, Nikol’skii became the head of a laboratory at the A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His principal work was on the ecology, taxonomy, and biogeography of fish. Nikol’skii also studied the biological bases of the fishing industry. He worked on the theory of fauna complexes and the concept of population as a self-regulating system.

Nikol’skii was the founder (1953) and editor in chief of the journal Voprosy Ikhtiologii (Questions of Ichthyology). A recipient of the State Prize of the USSR in 1950, he was also awarded the Order of Lenin, three other orders, and various medals.


Ryby Tadzhikistana. Moscow-Leningrad, 1938.
Ryby Aral’skogo moria. Moscow, 1940.
Biologiia ryb. Moscow, 1944.
Ryby basseina Amura. Moscow, 1956.
Ekologiia ryb, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1963.
Teoriia dinamiki stada ryb kak biologicheskaia osnova ratsional’noi ekspluatatsii i vosproizvodstva rybnykh resursov. Moscow, 1965; 2nd ed. Moscow, 1974.
Chastnaia ikhtiologiia, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1971.


G. V. Nikol’skii Moscow, 1969. (AN SSSR: Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR. Seriia biologicheskikh nauk, fase. 1.)