Acronym | Definition |
GEC➣General Electric Co. |
GEC➣Globalization and E -Commerce (Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations; University of California, Irvine) |
GEC➣Great Eastern Cutlery (Titusville, PA) |
GEC➣Google Earth Community (online community) |
GEC➣Geriatric Education Center (US HRSA) |
GEC➣Gaseous Electronics Conference |
GEC➣General Entertainment Channel (India) |
GEC➣General Engineering Consultant |
GEC➣Group Executive Committee (business management) |
GEC➣Grounding Electrode Conductor (electrical) |
GEC➣Global E-Commerce (various locations) |
GEC➣Global Environment Centre (est. 1998; Malaysia) |
GEC➣Guinness Enterprise Centre (Ireland) |
GEC➣General Electric Capital |
GEC➣Gaylord Entertainment Center (Nashville, TN) |
GEC➣Gigabit EtherChannel |
GEC➣Google Earth Community |
GEC➣Gigabit Ethernet Consortium |
GEC➣Gigabit Ether Channel |
GEC➣Green Electronics Council (Portland, OR) |
GEC➣Guild for Exceptional Children (Brooklyn, NY) |
GEC➣Global Enterprise Challenge (international competition) |
GEC➣Governmental Ethics Commission (Kansas) |
GEC➣Global Economy Crisis |
GEC➣Grace Episcopal Church (various locations) |
GEC➣General Electrodynamics Corporation |
GEC➣General Executive Council (various organizations) |
GEC➣Genesee Early College (Flint, MI) |
GEC➣Gender Equality Committee (various organizations) |
GEC➣Global Electronics Corporation (Japan) |
GEC➣Guyana Electricity Corporation |
GEC➣Gingival Epithelial Cell (periodontology) |
GEC➣General Electrical Company |
GEC➣Graduate Education Center (various locations) |
GEC➣Gross Energy Consumption (economic statistic) |
GEC➣General Engineering Contract |
GEC➣Galway Education Centre (Galway, Ireland) |
GEC➣Gulf Engineers and Consultants (Baton Rouge, LA) |
GEC➣Green Energy Credits |
GEC➣Gender Equality Council (various organizations) |
GEC➣Goa Engineering College (India) |
GEC➣General Electronic Commerce (Thailand) |
GEC➣Gut Epithelial Cell |
GEC➣Geospace Electrodynamic Connections |
GEC➣Global Entertainment Corporation (entertainment) |
GEC➣Global Exhibitions and Conferences LLC (Oman) |
GEC➣Global Events Consulting (Rochester, NY) |
GEC➣Graduate Entry Course (UK) |
GEC➣Gastric Emptying Coefficient |
GEC➣Geneva Executive Centre |
GEC➣Group Exercise Coordinator (various companies) |
GEC➣Giant Enemy Crab (gaming, Genji 2) |
GEC➣Générale Électrique du Canada |
GEC➣Grade Evaluation Company (coins) |
GEC➣Gilbert-Elliott Channel |
GEC➣Gudlavalleru Engineering College (India) |
GEC➣Green Environment Conservation |
GEC➣Good Electrical Chip (semi-conductor) |
GEC➣Gross Error Check |
GEC➣Gross Earned Commissions (insurance) |
GEC➣General Embargoed Countries |