

单词 fungus genus

fungus genus

Noun1.fungus genus - includes lichen generagenus - (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more speciesErysiphe, genus Erysiphe - genus of powdery mildewsgenus Neurospora, Neurospora - genus of fungi with black perithecia used extensively in genetic research; includes some forms with orange spore masses that cause severe damage in bakeriesCeratostomella, genus Ceratostomella - genus of fungi forming continuous hyaline sporesClaviceps, genus Claviceps - fungi parasitic upon the ovaries of various grassesgenus Xylaria, Xylaria - type genus of Xylariaceae; fungi with perithecia in the upper part of erect black woody stromatagenus Rosellinia, Rosellinia - fungi having smooth perithecia with dark one-celled ascosporesgenus Helotium, Helotium - type genus of the Helotiaceaegenus Sclerotinia - large genus of ascomycetous fungi including various destructive plant pathogensgenus Scleroderma, Scleroderma - genus of poisonous fungi having hard-skinned fruiting bodies: false trufflesgenus Tulestoma, genus Tulostoma, Tulestoma, Tulostoma - type genus of the Tulostomaceaegenus Rhizopogon, Rhizopogon - a genus of fungi having subterranean sporophores resembling tubersgenus Truncocolumella, Truncocolumella - a genus of fungi belonging to the family Rhizopogonaceaegenus Mucor - type genus of the Mucoraceae; genus of molds having cylindrical or pear-shaped sporangia not limited in location to points where rhizoids developgenus Rhizopus - a genus of rot-causing fungi having columnar hemispherical aerial sporangia anchored to the substrate by rhizoidsEntomophthora, genus Entomophthora - type genus of the Entomophthoraceae; fungi parasitic on insectsgenus Dictostylium - genus of slime molds that grow on dung and decaying vegetationBlastocladia, genus Blastocladia - a genus of fungi of the family Blastodiaceaegenus Synchytrium, Synchytrium - simple parasitic fungi including pond scum parasitesgenus Saprolegnia, Saprolegnia - aquatic fungi growing chiefly on plant debris and animal remainsgenus Peronospora, Peronospora - genus of destructive downy mildewsAlbugo, genus Albugo - type genus of the Albuginaceae; fungi causing white rustsgenus Pythium - destructive root-parasitic fungigenus Phytophthora, Phytophthora - destructive parasitic fungi causing brown rot in plantsgenus Plasmodiophora, Plasmodiophora - type genus of Plasmodiophoraceae comprising minute plant parasitic fungi similar to and sometimes included among the slime moldsgenus Tuber, Tuber - type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically trufflesgenus Hydnum, Hydnum - type genus of Hydnaceaegenus Lecanora - type genus of Lecanoraceae; crustaceous lichensgenus Roccella - chiefly fruticose maritime rock-inhabiting lichensgenus Pertusaria, Pertusaria - crustose lichens that are a source of the dye archil and of litmusgenus Usnea, Usnea - widely distributed lichens usually having a greyish or yellow pendulous freely branched thallusEvernia, genus Evernia - lichens of the family Usneaceae having a pendulous or shrubby thallusgenus Ramalina, Ramalina - shrubby lichens of the family Usneaceae having a flattened thallusAlectoria, genus Alectoria - lichens having dark brown erect or pendulous much-branched cylindrical thallusCladonia, genus Cladonia - type genus of Cladoniaceae; lichens characterized by a crustose thallus and capitate fruiting bodies borne on simple or branched podetiagenus Parmelia, Parmelia - type genus of the Parmeliaceae; a large genus of chiefly alpine foliaceous lichensCetraria, genus Cetraria - foliose lichens chiefly of northern latitudesFungi, fungus kingdom, kingdom Fungi - the taxonomic kingdom including yeast, molds, smuts, mushrooms, and toadstools; distinct from the green plantsAgaricus, genus Agaricus - type genus of Agaricaceae; gill fungi having brown spores and including several edible speciesgenus Lentinus, Lentinus - a genus of fungus belonging to the family TricholomataceaeAmanita, genus Amanita - genus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few exceptionsCantharellus, genus Cantharellus - a well-known genus of fungus; has funnel-shaped fruiting body; includes the chanterelles




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