

单词 fungus family

fungus family

Noun1.fungus family - includes lichen familiesfungus family - includes lichen families family - (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"Erysiphaceae, family Erysiphaceae - family of fungi parasitic mostly on leaves; includes powdery mildewsfamily Sphaeriaceae, Sphaeriaceae - parasitic fungi having globose and sometimes necked or beaked peritheciaCeratostomataceae, family Ceratostomataceae - fungi having carbonous perithecia with long necksfamily Hypocreaceae, Hypocreaceae - family of fungi having brightly colored fleshy or membranous ascocarps; sometimes placed in its own order Hypocrealesfamily Xylariaceae, Xylariaceae - family of fungi characterized by dark brown to black sporesfamily Helotiaceae, Helotiaceae - a fungus family of order Helotialesfamily Sclerotiniaceae, Sclerotiniaceae - a fungus family of order Helotialesfamily Sclerodermataceae, Sclerodermataceae - a family of fungi or order Sclerodermatales with a single-layered peridium; includes earthballsfamily Tulostomaceae, family Tulostomataceae, Tulostomaceae, Tulostomataceae - stalked puffballsfamily Rhizopogonaceae, Rhizopogonaceae - a family of fungi of order Hymenogastrales having round subterranean sporophoresfamily Mucoraceae, Mucoraceae - large family of chiefly saprophytic fungi that includes many common molds destructive to food productsEntomophthoraceae, family Entomophthoraceae - mostly parasitic lower fungi that typically develop in the bodies of insectsChytridiaceae, family Chytridiaceae - a family of aquatic fungi of order ChytridialesBlastodiaceae, family Blastodiaceae - a family of saprobic fungi of order Blastocladialesfamily Synchytriaceae, Synchytriaceae - a fungus family of order Chytridialesfamily Peronosporaceae, Peronosporaceae - parasitic fungi: downy mildewsAlbuginaceae, family Albuginaceae - fungi that produce white sori resembling blisters on certain flowering plantsfamily Pythiaceae, Pythiaceae - fungi having sporangia usually borne successively and singly at the tips of branching sporangiophoresfamily Plasmodiophoraceae, Plasmodiophoraceae - family of fungi often causing hypertrophy in seed plantsfamily Tuberaceae, Tuberaceae - family of fungi whose ascocarps resemble tubers and vary in size from that of an acorn to that of a large appleClavariaceae, family Clavariaceae - fleshy fungi: coral fungifamily Hydnaceae, Hydnaceae - tooth fungifamily Lecanoraceae, Lecanoraceae - a fungus family of the division Lichenesfamily Roccellaceae, Roccellaceae - a fungus family of division Lichenesfamily Pertusariaceae, Pertusariaceae - a fungus family of division Lichenesfamily Usneaceae, Usneaceae - fruticose lichens having prostrate or erect or pendulous thalli: genera Usnea, Evernia, Ramalina, AlectoriaCladoniaceae, family Cladoniaceae - a family of lichensfamily Parmeliaceae, Parmeliaceae - a family of lichensFungi, fungus kingdom, kingdom Fungi - the taxonomic kingdom including yeast, molds, smuts, mushrooms, and toadstools; distinct from the green plantsAgaricaceae, family Agaricaceae - large family including many familiar mushroomsCoprinaceae, family Coprinaceae - used in some classifications for the genus Coprinusfamily Russulaceae, Russulaceae - used in some classification systems for the genus Russulafamily Strophariaceae, Strophariaceae - sometimes included in family AgaricaceaeEntolomataceae, family Entolomataceae - a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricalesfamily Lepiotaceae, Lepiotaceae - a family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalkfamily Thelephoraceae, Thelephoraceae - fungi having leathery or membranous sporophoresfamily Tricholomataceae, Tricholomataceae - a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricalesfamily Volvariaceae, Volvariaceae - a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales




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